package mopsa

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

C_AST - Simpler C AST

Provides a simpler version of the AST converted from Clang.

The goal of this AST is to:

  • be independent from Clang's version
  • support linking of several translation units into a single AST
  • only support C for now
type uid = Clang_AST.uid

Unique identifiers (for variables and functions).

module UidMap : sig ... end
module UidSet : sig ... end
module StringMap : sig ... end
type range = Clang_AST.range
module RangeMap : sig ... end

Source locations.

type comment = Clang_AST.comment

Comments in file.

type macro = Clang_AST.macro

preprocessor macros

type character_kind = Clang_AST.character_kind
type target_info = Clang_AST.target_info


type binary_arithmetic =
  1. | ADD
  2. | SUB
  3. | MUL


  4. | DIV


  5. | MOD






  8. | BIT_AND


  9. | BIT_OR


  10. | BIT_XOR


type binary_logical =
  1. | LESS




  3. | GREATER




  5. | EQUAL


  6. | NOT_EQUAL






type binary_operator =
  1. | O_arithmetic of binary_arithmetic
  2. | O_logical of binary_logical
type unary_operator =
  1. | NEG
  2. | BIT_NOT




type explicitness =

    Whether a cast is explicit (in the source) or implicit (added for implicit conversions

type inc_location =
  1. | PRE
  2. | POST

    Whether an incrementation is performed before (PRE) or after (POST) the expression value is used

type inc_direction =
  1. | INC
  2. | DEC

    Whether an incrementation is ++ or --



type signedness =
  1. | SIGNED

    Whether an integer type is signed or not.

type integer_type =
  1. | Char of signedness

    plain 'char', where the signeness is defined by the platform

  12. | SIGNED_INT128
  13. | UNSIGNED_INT128

    Integer types.

type float_type =
  1. | FLOAT
  2. | DOUBLE
  4. | FLOAT128

    Floating-point types.

type record_kind =
  1. | STRUCT
  2. | UNION

    Whether a record type is a struct or a union.

type qualifier = {
  1. qual_is_const : bool;

Type qualifiers. For now, only 'const' is useful.

type typ =
  1. | T_void

    Void type.

  2. | T_bool
  3. | T_integer of integer_type
  4. | T_float of float_type
  5. | T_complex of float_type
  6. | T_pointer of type_qual

    Scalar types.

  7. | T_array of type_qual * array_length


  8. | T_bitfield of typ * int

    Bitfields, with bit-width, only used in struct.

  9. | T_function of function_type option

    Function, with or without a prototype

  10. | T_builtin_fn

    Built-in functions

  11. | T_typedef of typedef


  12. | T_record of record_type

    struct and union

  13. | T_enum of enum_type


  14. | T_vector of vector_type

    GCC vectors

  15. | T_unknown_builtin of string

    unknown builtin



and type_qual = typ * qualifier

Type with qualifier.

and typedef = {
  1. typedef_org_name : string;

    name as in source

  2. mutable typedef_uid : uid;
  3. mutable typedef_unique_name : string;

    unique name

  4. mutable typedef_def : type_qual;


  5. mutable typedef_range : range;

    declaration location

  6. mutable typedef_com : comment list;

    comments associated to the declaration

and record_type = {
  1. record_kind : record_kind;
  2. record_org_name : string;

    name as in source, may be empty

  3. mutable record_uid : uid;

    unique identifier

  4. mutable record_unique_name : string;

    unique, non-empty name

  5. mutable record_defined : bool;

    false if only declared

  6. mutable record_sizeof : Z.t;

    size of record, in bytes

  7. mutable record_alignof : Z.t;

    alignment, in bytes

  8. mutable record_fields : record_field array;
  9. mutable record_range : range;

    declaration location

  10. mutable record_com : comment list;

    comments associated to the declaration


Struct or union type.

and record_field = {
  1. field_uid : uid;

    unique identifier

  2. field_org_name : string;

    may be empty for anonymous or padding fields

  3. field_name : string;

    non-empty name

  4. field_offset : int;
  5. field_bit_offset : int;
  6. mutable field_type : type_qual;
  7. field_range : range;

    declaration location

  8. field_record : record_type;
  9. field_index : int;
  10. mutable field_com : comment list;

    comments associated to the declaration


Struct or union field.

and enum_type = {
  1. enum_org_name : string;

    name as in source, may be empty

  2. mutable enum_uid : uid;

    unoque identifier

  3. mutable enum_unique_name : string;

    unique, non-empty name

  4. mutable enum_defined : bool;

    false if only declared

  5. mutable enum_values : enum_value list;
  6. mutable enum_integer_type : integer_type option;
  7. mutable enum_range : range;

    declaration location

  8. mutable enum_com : comment list;

    comments associated to the declaration


Enumerated type.

and enum_value = {
  1. enum_val_uid : uid;

    unique identifier

  2. enum_val_org_name : string;

    name as in source

  3. enum_val_unique_name : string;

    unique name

  4. enum_val_value : Z.t;
  5. enum_val_enum : enum_type;
  6. enum_val_range : range;
  7. mutable enum_val_com : comment list;

    comments associated to the declaration


A possible value in an enumerated type.

and array_length =
  1. | No_length
  2. | Length_cst of Z.t
  3. | Length_expr of expr

    Length of an array.

and function_type = {
  1. mutable ftype_return : type_qual;
  2. mutable ftype_params : type_qual list;
  3. ftype_variadic : bool;

Type of functions and prototypes.

and vector_type = {
  1. vector_type : type_qual;
  2. vector_size : int;
  3. vector_kind : int;

GCC vector types.

Variables and functions

and variable = {
  1. var_uid : uid;

    unique identifier

  2. var_org_name : string;

    original name

  3. var_unique_name : string;

    unique name for globals and statics

  4. mutable var_kind : variable_kind;

    variable kind and life-time

  5. mutable var_type : type_qual;
  6. mutable var_init : init option;
  7. mutable var_before_stmts : statement list;

    statements executed before the declaration of the variable

  8. mutable var_after_stmts : statement list;

    statements executed after the declaration of the variable

  9. mutable var_range : range;
  10. mutable var_com : comment list;

    comments associated to the declaration

and variable_kind =
  1. | Variable_global

    global shared among translation units

  2. | Variable_extern

    declared but not defined

  3. | Variable_local of func

    local to a function

  4. | Variable_parameter of func

    formal argument

  5. | Variable_file_static of translation_unit

    restricted to a translation unit

  6. | Variable_func_static of func

    restricted to a function

and func = {
  1. func_uid : uid;

    unique identifier

  2. func_org_name : string;

    original name

  3. func_unique_name : string;

    unique name for globals and statics

  4. func_is_static : bool;
  5. mutable func_return : type_qual;

    type of returned value

  6. mutable func_parameters : variable array;

    function parameters

  7. mutable func_body : block option;

    function body

  8. mutable func_static_vars : variable list;

    static variables declared in the function

  9. mutable func_local_vars : variable list;

    local variables declared in the function (excluding parameters)

  10. mutable func_variadic : bool;

    whether the has a variable number of arguments

  11. mutable func_range : range;

    range of the full declaration

  12. mutable func_name_range : range;

    range of the name part of the declaration

  13. mutable func_com : (comment * macro StringMap.t) list;

    comments associated to the declaration


Statements and expressions

and statement = statement_kind * range
and block = {
  1. blk_stmts : statement list;

    statements in the block

  2. blk_local_vars : variable list;

    local variables declared within the block (excluding sub-blocks); these should be deallocated when exiting the block

and statement_kind =
  1. | S_local_declaration of variable

    local variable declaration

  2. | S_expression of expr

    expression statement

  3. | S_block of block

    statement block

  4. | S_if of expr * block * block

    else branch

  5. | S_while of expr * block


  6. | S_do_while of block * expr


  7. | S_for of block * expr option * expr option * block


  8. | S_jump of jump_kind

    jump instruction

  9. | S_target of target_kind

    target of a jump

  10. | S_asm of asm_kind

    asm statement

and jump_kind =
  1. | S_goto of string * scope_update
  2. | S_break of scope_update
  3. | S_continue of scope_update
  4. | S_return of expr option * scope_update
  5. | S_switch of expr * block

    various ways to jump

and target_kind =
  1. | S_label of string
  2. | S_case of expr list * scope_update
  3. | S_default of scope_update

    various targets of jumps

and scope_update = {
  1. mutable scope_var_added : variable list;
  2. mutable scope_var_removed : variable list;

variables to remove and to add (uninitialized) when jumping into another scope; may be attached to a jump source (break, continue, return, goto) or a jump target (switch case and default), depending on what's more convinient

and asm_kind = {
  1. asm_style : asm_style;
  2. asm_is_simple : bool;
  3. asm_is_volatile : bool;
  4. asm_body : string;
  5. asm_outputs : asm_output array;
  6. asm_inputs : asm_input array;
  7. asm_clobbers : string array;
  8. asm_labels : string array;

and asm statement

and asm_output = {
  1. asm_output_string : string;
  2. asm_output_expr : expr;
  3. asm_output_constraint : asm_output_constraint;
and asm_input = {
  1. asm_input_string : string;
  2. asm_input_expr : expr;
and asm_style = Clang_AST.asm_style
and asm_output_constraint = Clang_AST.asm_output_constraint
and expr = expr_kind * type_qual * range
and expr_kind =
  1. | E_conditional of expr * expr * expr


  2. | E_binary_conditional of expr * expr


  3. | E_array_subscript of expr * expr


  4. | E_member_access of expr * int * string


  5. | E_arrow_access of expr * int * string


  6. | E_compound_assign of expr * type_qual * binary_arithmetic * expr * type_qual

    type of the result, before converting back to lvalue type

  7. | E_binary of binary_operator * expr * expr

    right argument

  8. | E_assign of expr * expr


  9. | E_comma of expr * expr

    , operator

  10. | E_unary of unary_operator * expr
  11. | E_increment of inc_direction * inc_location * expr
  12. | E_address_of of expr

    & operator (address of lvalue)

  13. | E_deref of expr

    * operator (pointer dereference)

  14. | E_cast of expr * explicitness
  15. | E_call of expr * expr array

    actual arguments

  16. | E_character_literal of Z.t * character_kind

    literal character

  17. | E_integer_literal of Z.t

    literal integer

  18. | E_float_literal of string

    literal float, in binary string notation

  19. | E_string_literal of string * character_kind
  20. | E_compound_literal of init
  21. | E_variable of variable
  22. | E_function of func
  23. | E_predefined of string

    predefined identifier

  24. | E_statement of block

    a block of statements viewed as an expression (GCC extension)

  25. | E_var_args of expr


  26. | E_atomic of int * expr * expr
  27. | E_convert_vector of expr
  28. | E_vector_element of expr * string


  29. | E_shuffle_vector of expr array
and init =
  1. | I_init_expr of expr
  2. | I_init_list of init list * init option


  3. | I_init_implicit of type_qual
and translation_unit = {
  1. tu_uid : int;
  2. tu_name : string;
  3. tu_range : range;
and project = {
  1. proj_name : string;

    project name

  2. proj_tu : translation_unit list;

    translation units composing the project

  3. proj_target : target_info;
  4. proj_typedefs : typedef StringMap.t;

    typedefs, by unique name

  5. proj_enums : enum_type StringMap.t;

    enums, by unique name

  6. proj_records : record_type StringMap.t;

    records, by unique name

  7. proj_vars : variable StringMap.t;

    variables with global lifetime, by unique name

  8. proj_funcs : func StringMap.t;

    functions, by unique name

  9. proj_file_scope_asm : string RangeMap.t;

    file-scope assembly directives

  10. proj_files : string list;

    list of parsed files

  11. proj_comments : (comment * macro StringMap.t) list RangeMap.t;

    all comments

  12. proj_macros : macro StringMap.t;

    macros, by name


A project is a set of translation units linked together.

Useful definitions

val no_qual : qualifier

No qualifier.

val int_type : typ * qualifier
val bool_type : typ * qualifier
val void_ptr_type : typ * qualifier
val uchar_ptr_type : typ * qualifier
val merge_qualifiers : qualifier -> qualifier -> qualifier
val resolve_typedef : type_qual -> type_qual

Replace toplevel occurences of typedefs with their definition.

val as_int_type : type_qual -> integer_type

Interprets the type as an integer type, if possible

val as_float_type : type_qual -> float_type

Interprets the type as an integer type, if possible

val type_is_scalar : typ -> bool

Whether a type yields a scalar value.

Variable utilities

val variable_is_global : variable_kind -> bool

Whether variables of this kind have global lifetime or not.

val variable_is_static : variable_kind -> bool

Whether variables of this kind are static or not.

val variable_is_file_static : variable_kind -> bool

Whether variables of this kind are file-level static.


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