package irmin-pack

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Io : sig ... end
module Errs : sig ... end
type auto_flush_procedure = [
  1. | `External of t -> unit
  2. | `Internal
val create_rw : path:string -> overwrite:bool -> auto_flush_threshold:int -> auto_flush_procedure:auto_flush_procedure -> (t, [> Io.create_error ]) Stdlib.result
val open_rw : path:string -> end_poff:Optint.Int63.t -> dead_header_size:int -> auto_flush_threshold:int -> auto_flush_procedure:auto_flush_procedure -> (t, [> `Closed | `Inconsistent_store | `Invalid_argument | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `No_such_file_or_directory | `Not_a_file | `Read_out_of_bounds ]) Stdlib.result
val open_ro : path:string -> end_poff:Optint.Int63.t -> dead_header_size:int -> (t, [> `Closed | `Inconsistent_store | `Invalid_argument | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `No_such_file_or_directory | `Not_a_file | `Read_out_of_bounds ]) Stdlib.result
val close : t -> (unit, [> `Double_close | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error | `Pending_flush ]) Stdlib.result
val end_poff : t -> Optint.Int63.t
val read_to_string : t -> off:Optint.Int63.t -> len:int -> (string, [> Io.read_error ]) Stdlib.result
val read_exn : t -> off:Optint.Int63.t -> len:int -> bytes -> unit
val append_exn : t -> string -> unit
val flush : t -> (unit, [> Io.write_error ]) Stdlib.result
val fsync : t -> (unit, [> Io.write_error ]) Stdlib.result
val refresh_end_poff : t -> Optint.Int63.t -> (unit, [> `Rw_not_allowed ]) Stdlib.result
val readonly : t -> bool
val auto_flush_threshold : t -> int option
val empty_buffer : t -> bool
val path : t -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.