package irmin-pack

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Abstraction for irmin-pack's control file.

It is parameterized with Io, a file system abstraction (e.g. unix, mirage, eio_linux).

None of the functions raise exceptions.

module Io = Io
type t
val create_rw : path:string -> overwrite:bool -> Irmin_pack_unix__.Control_file_intf.Latest_payload.t -> (t, [> Io.create_error | Io.write_error ]) Stdlib.result

Create a rw instance of t by creating a control file.

type open_error := [
  1. | `Corrupted_control_file
  2. | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error
  3. | `No_such_file_or_directory
  4. | `Not_a_file
  5. | `Closed
  6. | `Unknown_major_pack_version of string
val open_ : path:string -> readonly:bool -> (t, [> open_error ]) Stdlib.result

Create a rw instance of t by reading an existing file at path.

val close : t -> (unit, [> Io.close_error ]) Stdlib.result
val payload : t -> Irmin_pack_unix__.Control_file_intf.Latest_payload.t

payload t is the payload in t.

That function doesn't perform IO.

RW mode

payload t is the payload, as it was written to the file system.

RO mode

payload t is the payload, as it was seen during open_ or during the most recent reload.

type reload_error := [
  1. | `Corrupted_control_file
  2. | `Io_misc of Io.misc_error
  3. | `Closed
  4. | `Rw_not_allowed
  5. | `Unknown_major_pack_version of string
val reload : t -> (unit, [> reload_error ]) Stdlib.result

RW mode

Always returns an error.

RO mode

Reread the file on disk.

If the file changed since the last read, the payload in t is updated to match the content of the file.

val set_payload : t -> Irmin_pack_unix__.Control_file_intf.Latest_payload.t -> (unit, [> Io.write_error ]) Stdlib.result

RW mode

Write a new payload on disk.

RO mode

Always returns an error.

val readonly : t -> bool
val fsync : t -> (unit, [> Io.write_error ]) Stdlib.result

RW mode

Tell the OS to fush its internal buffers.

RO mode

Always returns Error `Ro_not_allowed.


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