package irmin-pack

  1. Overview
  2. Docs



module H : sig ... end
module Io = Io.Unix
module Index : sig ... end
module Mapping_file : sig ... end
module Errs : sig ... end
module File_manager : sig ... end
module Dict : sig ... end
module Dispatcher : sig ... end
module XKey : sig ... end
module X : sig ... end
module Schema : sig ... end
type repo = X.Repo.t
type step = Schema.Path.step
val step_t : step Irmin.Type.t
type path = Schema.Path.t
val path_t : path Irmin.Type.t
type metadata = Schema.Metadata.t
val metadata_t : metadata Irmin.Type.t
type contents = Schema.Contents.t
val contents_t : contents Irmin.Type.t
val node_t : node Irmin.Type.t
val tree_t : tree Irmin.Type.t
type hash = Schema.Hash.t
val hash_t : hash Irmin.Type.t
val commit_t : repo -> commit Irmin.Type.t
type branch = Schema.Branch.t
val branch_t : branch Irmin.Type.t
type slice = X.Slice.t
val slice_t : slice Irmin.Type.t
type info = Schema.Info.t
val info_t : info Irmin.Type.t
type lca_error = [
  1. | `Max_depth_reached
  2. | `Too_many_lcas
val lca_error_t : lca_error Irmin.Type.t
type ff_error = [
  1. | `Max_depth_reached
  2. | `No_change
  3. | `Rejected
  4. | `Too_many_lcas
val ff_error_t : ff_error Irmin.Type.t
module Info : sig ... end
type contents_key = X.Contents.Key.t
val contents_key_t : contents_key Irmin.Type.t
type node_key = X.Node.Key.t
val node_key_t : node_key Irmin.Type.t
type commit_key = X.Commit.Key.t
val commit_key_t : commit_key Irmin.Type.t
module Repo : sig ... end
val empty : repo -> t Lwt.t
val main : repo -> t Lwt.t
val of_branch : repo -> branch -> t Lwt.t
val of_commit : commit -> t Lwt.t
val repo : t -> repo
val tree : t -> tree Lwt.t
module Status : sig ... end
val status : t -> Status.t
module Head : sig ... end
module Hash : sig ... end
module Commit : sig ... end
module Contents : sig ... end
module Tree : sig ... end
val kind : t -> path -> [ `Contents | `Node ] option Lwt.t
val list : t -> path -> (step * tree) list Lwt.t
val mem : t -> path -> bool Lwt.t
val mem_tree : t -> path -> bool Lwt.t
val find_all : t -> path -> (contents * metadata) option Lwt.t
val find : t -> path -> contents option Lwt.t
val get_all : t -> path -> (contents * metadata) Lwt.t
val get : t -> path -> contents Lwt.t
val find_tree : t -> path -> tree option Lwt.t
val get_tree : t -> path -> tree Lwt.t
val key : t -> path -> [ `Contents of contents_key | `Node of node_key ] option Lwt.t
val hash : t -> path -> hash option Lwt.t
type write_error = [
  1. | `Conflict of string
  2. | `Test_was of tree option
  3. | `Too_many_retries of int
val write_error_t : write_error Irmin.Type.t
val set : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> contents -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val set_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> contents -> unit Lwt.t
val set_tree : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> tree -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val set_tree_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> tree -> unit Lwt.t
val remove : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val remove_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> unit Lwt.t
val test_and_set : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> test:contents option -> set:contents option -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val test_and_set_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> test:contents option -> set:contents option -> unit Lwt.t
val test_and_set_tree : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> test:tree option -> set:tree option -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val test_and_set_tree_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> test:tree option -> set:tree option -> unit Lwt.t
val test_set_and_get : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:(unit -> info) -> t -> path -> test:contents option -> set:contents option -> (commit option, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val test_set_and_get_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:(unit -> info) -> t -> path -> test:contents option -> set:contents option -> commit option Lwt.t
val test_set_and_get_tree : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:(unit -> info) -> t -> path -> test:tree option -> set:tree option -> (commit option, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val test_set_and_get_tree_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:(unit -> info) -> t -> path -> test:tree option -> set:tree option -> commit option Lwt.t
val merge : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> old:contents option -> t -> path -> contents option -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val merge_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> old:contents option -> t -> path -> contents option -> unit Lwt.t
val merge_tree : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> old:tree option -> t -> path -> tree option -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val merge_tree_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> info:Info.f -> old:tree option -> t -> path -> tree option -> unit Lwt.t
val with_tree : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> ?strategy:[ `Merge | `Set | `Test_and_set ] -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> (tree option -> tree option Lwt.t) -> (unit, write_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val with_tree_exn : ?retries:int -> ?allow_empty:bool -> ?parents:commit list -> ?strategy:[ `Merge | `Set | `Test_and_set ] -> info:Info.f -> t -> path -> (tree option -> tree option Lwt.t) -> unit Lwt.t
val clone : src:t -> dst:branch -> t Lwt.t
val watch : t -> ?init:commit -> (commit Irmin.Diff.t -> unit Lwt.t) -> watch Lwt.t
val watch_key : t -> path -> ?init:commit -> ((commit * tree) Irmin.Diff.t -> unit Lwt.t) -> watch Lwt.t
val unwatch : watch -> unit Lwt.t
type !'a merge = info:Info.f -> ?max_depth:int -> ?n:int -> 'a -> (unit, Irmin.Merge.conflict) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val merge_into : into:t -> t merge
val merge_with_branch : t -> branch merge
val merge_with_commit : t -> commit merge
val lcas : ?max_depth:int -> ?n:int -> t -> t -> (commit list, lca_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val lcas_with_branch : t -> ?max_depth:int -> ?n:int -> branch -> (commit list, lca_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val lcas_with_commit : t -> ?max_depth:int -> ?n:int -> commit -> (commit list, lca_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
module History : sig ... end
val history : ?depth:int -> ?min:commit list -> ?max:commit list -> t -> History.t Lwt.t
val last_modified : ?depth:int -> ?n:int -> t -> path -> commit list Lwt.t
module Branch : sig ... end
module Path : sig ... end
module Metadata : sig ... end
module Backend : sig ... end
type Irmin__.Remote.t +=
  1. | E of Backend.Remote.endpoint
val of_backend_node : repo -> Backend.Node.value -> node
val to_backend_node : node -> Backend.Node.value Lwt.t
val to_backend_portable_node : node -> Backend.Node_portable.t Lwt.t
val to_backend_commit : commit -> Backend.Commit.value
val of_backend_commit : repo -> Backend.Commit.Key.t -> Backend.Commit.value -> commit
val save_tree : ?clear:bool -> repo -> [> Irmin.Perms.write ] Backend.Contents.t -> [> Irmin.Perms.read_write ] Backend.Node.t -> tree -> [ `Contents of contents_key | `Node of node_key ] Lwt.t
val master : repo -> t Lwt.t
  • deprecated Use `main` instead.
module Integrity_checks : sig ... end
val integrity_check_inodes : ?heads:commit list -> Repo.t -> ([> `No_error ], [> `Cannot_fix of string ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val integrity_check_always : ?ppf:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> auto_repair:bool -> X.Repo.t -> ([> `Fixed of int | `No_error ], [> `Cannot_fix of string | `Corrupted of int ]) Stdlib.result
val integrity_check_minimal : ?ppf:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?heads:commit list -> Repo.t -> ([> `No_error ], [> `Cannot_fix of string ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val integrity_check : ?ppf:Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?heads:commit list -> auto_repair:bool -> Repo.t -> ([> `Fixed of int | `No_error ], [> `Cannot_fix of string | `Corrupted of int ]) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
module Stats_computation : sig ... end
val stats : dump_blob_paths_to:string option -> commit:commit -> Repo.t -> unit Lwt.t
val reload : X.Repo.t -> unit
val flush : X.Repo.t -> unit
val fsync : X.Repo.t -> unit
val split : X.Repo.t -> unit
val create_one_commit_store : X.Repo.t -> X.Commit.CA.hash Pack_key.t -> string -> unit Lwt.t
module Gc : sig ... end
module Traverse_pack_file : sig ... end
val traverse_pack_file : [ `Check_and_fix_index | `Check_index | `Reconstruct_index of [ `In_place | `Output of string ] ] -> Irmin.config -> unit
val test_traverse_pack_file : [ `Check_and_fix_index | `Check_index | `Reconstruct_index of [ `In_place | `Output of string ] ] -> Irmin.config -> unit
module Snapshot : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.