package elpi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type extra_goal = ..
type extra_goal +=
  1. | Unify of term * term
  2. | RawGoal of term
type extra_goals = extra_goal list
type extra_goals_postprocessing = extra_goals -> State.t -> State.t * extra_goals
val extra_goals_postprocessing : extra_goals_postprocessing State.component
type ty_ast =
  1. | TyName of string
  2. | TyApp of string * ty_ast * ty_ast list
type 'a embedding = depth:int -> State.t -> 'a -> State.t * term * extra_goals
type 'a readback = depth:int -> State.t -> term -> State.t * 'a * extra_goals
type 'a t = {
  1. ty : ty_ast;
  2. pp_doc : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit;
  3. pp : Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit;
  4. embed : 'a embedding;
  5. readback : 'a readback;
exception TypeErr of ty_ast * int * term
type prec_level =
  1. | Arrow
  2. | AppArg
val need_par : prec_level option -> prec_level -> bool
val with_par : prec_level option -> prec_level -> string -> string
val show_ty_ast : ?prec:prec_level -> ty_ast -> string
val term_of_extra_goal : extra_goal -> term

Innovation. Community. Security.