package elpi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module defines what embedding and readback functions are for datatypes that need the context of the program (hypothetical clauses and constraints)

type ty_ast = Conversion.ty_ast =
  1. | TyName of string
  2. | TyApp of string * ty_ast * ty_ast list
type ('a, 'hyps, 'constraints) embedding = depth:int -> 'hyps -> 'constraints -> Data.state -> 'a -> Data.state * Data.term * Conversion.extra_goals
type ('a, 'hyps, 'constraints) readback = depth:int -> 'hyps -> 'constraints -> Data.state -> Data.term -> Data.state * 'a * Conversion.extra_goals
type ('a, 'h, 'c) t = {
  1. ty : ty_ast;
  2. pp_doc : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit;
  3. pp : Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit;
  4. embed : ('a, 'h, 'c) embedding;
  5. readback : ('a, 'h, 'c) readback;
type ('hyps, 'constraints) ctx_readback = depth:int -> Data.hyps -> Data.constraints -> Data.state -> Data.state * 'hyps * 'constraints * Conversion.extra_goals
val unit_ctx : (unit, unit) ctx_readback
val (!<) : ('a, unit, unit) t -> 'a Conversion.t
val (!>) : 'a Conversion.t -> ('a, 'hyps, 'constraints) t
val (!>>) : ('a Conversion.t -> 'b Conversion.t) -> ('a, 'hyps, 'constraints) t -> ('b, 'hyps, 'constraints) t
val (!>>>) : ('a Conversion.t -> 'b Conversion.t -> 'c Conversion.t) -> ('a, 'hyps, 'constraints) t -> ('b, 'hyps, 'constraints) t -> ('c, 'hyps, 'constraints) t

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