package elpi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type name = string
type doc = string
type 'a oarg =
  1. | Keep
  2. | Discard
type 'a ioarg =
  1. | Data of 'a
  2. | NoData
type ('function_type, 'inernal_outtype_in, 'internal_hyps, 'internal_constraints) ffi =
  1. | In : 't Conversion.t * doc * ('i, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi -> ('t -> 'i, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  2. | Out : 't Conversion.t * doc * ('i, 'o * 't option, 'h, 'c) ffi -> ('t oarg -> 'i, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  3. | InOut : 't ioarg Conversion.t * doc * ('i, 'o * 't option, 'h, 'c) ffi -> ('t ioarg -> 'i, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  4. | CIn : ('t, 'h, 'c) ContextualConversion.t * doc * ('i, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi -> ('t -> 'i, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  5. | COut : ('t, 'h, 'c) ContextualConversion.t * doc * ('i, 'o * 't option, 'h, 'c) ffi -> ('t oarg -> 'i, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  6. | CInOut : ('t ioarg, 'h, 'c) ContextualConversion.t * doc * ('i, 'o * 't option, 'h, 'c) ffi -> ('t ioarg -> 'i, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  7. | Easy : doc -> (depth:int -> 'o, 'o, unit, unit) ffi
  8. | Read : ('h, 'c) ContextualConversion.ctx_readback * doc -> (depth:int -> 'h -> 'c -> State.t -> 'o, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  9. | Full : ('h, 'c) ContextualConversion.ctx_readback * doc -> (depth:int -> 'h -> 'c -> State.t -> State.t * 'o * Conversion.extra_goals, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  10. | FullHO : ('h, 'c) ContextualConversion.ctx_readback * doc -> (once:(depth:int -> term -> State.t -> State.t) -> depth:int -> 'h -> 'c -> State.t -> State.t * 'o * Conversion.extra_goals, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  11. | VariadicIn : ('h, 'c) ContextualConversion.ctx_readback * ('t, 'h, 'c) ContextualConversion.t * doc -> ('t list -> depth:int -> 'h -> 'c -> State.t -> State.t * 'o, 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  12. | VariadicOut : ('h, 'c) ContextualConversion.ctx_readback * ('t, 'h, 'c) ContextualConversion.t * doc -> ('t oarg list -> depth:int -> 'h -> 'c -> State.t -> State.t * ('o * 't option list option), 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
  13. | VariadicInOut : ('h, 'c) ContextualConversion.ctx_readback * ('t ioarg, 'h, 'c) ContextualConversion.t * doc -> ('t ioarg list -> depth:int -> 'h -> 'c -> State.t -> State.t * ('o * 't option list option), 'o, 'h, 'c) ffi
type t =
  1. | Pred : name * ('a, unit, 'h, 'c) ffi * 'a -> t
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val compare : t -> t -> int
type doc_spec =
  1. | DocAbove
  2. | DocNext
val pp_comment : Fmt.formatter -> string -> unit
val pp_ty : string -> Fmt.formatter -> ('a * string * 'b) -> unit
val pp_ty_args : Format.formatter -> (bool * string * string) list -> unit
module ADT : sig ... end
type declaration =
  1. | MLCode of t * doc_spec
  2. | MLData : 'a Conversion.t -> declaration
  3. | MLDataC : ('a, 'h, 'c) ContextualConversion.t -> declaration
  4. | LPDoc of string
  5. | LPCode of string
val ws_to_max : Format.formatter -> int -> int -> unit
val pp_tab_arg : int -> int -> string -> Fmt.formatter -> (bool * string * string) -> unit
val pp_tab_args : Fmt.formatter -> (bool * string * string) list -> unit
val pp_arg : string -> Fmt.formatter -> (bool * string * 'a) -> unit
val pp_args : Format.formatter -> (bool * string * string) list -> unit
val pp_pred : Fmt.formatter -> doc_spec -> string -> string -> (bool * string * string) list -> unit
val pp_variadictype : Fmt.formatter -> string -> string -> string -> (bool * string * string) list -> unit
val document_pred : Fmt.formatter -> doc_spec -> string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) ffi -> unit
val document : Fmt.formatter -> declaration list -> ('a * CalcHooks.eval) list -> unit
type builtin_table = (int, t) Elpi_util.Util.Hashtbl.t
val show_builtin_table : builtin_table -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string

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