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You can set up a timer to call a function at a specified future time or after a certain length of idleness.
Emacs cannot run timers at any arbitrary point in a program; it can run them only when Emacs could accept output from a subprocess: namely, while waiting or inside certain primitive functions such as sit-for or read-event which _can_ wait. Therefore, a timer's execution may be delayed if Emacs is busy. However, the time of execution is very precise if Emacs is idle.
We expose private value for free identity conversions when the value is nested in some covariant type, e.g. (symbols : Symbol.t list :> Value.t list) rather than List.map symbols ~f:Symbol.to_value.
eq t1 t2 = Value.eq (to_value t1) (to_value t2), i.e. eq checks whether the Emacs values underlying t1 and t2 are physically equal. This is different than phys_equal t1 t2, because we don't always wrap eq Emacs values in phys_equal OCaml values. I.e. phys_equal t1 t2 implies eq t1 t2, but not the converse.