package ecaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Buffers are used to hold the contents of files that are being visited; there may also be buffers that are not visiting files.

  • (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Buffers")
include Value.Subtype with type t = Ecaml__.Value0.t
type t

We expose private value for free identity conversions when the value is nested in some covariant type, e.g. (symbols : Symbol.t list :> Value.t list) rather than symbols ~f:Symbol.to_value.

val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val eq : t -> t -> bool

eq t1 t2 = Value.eq (to_value t1) (to_value t2), i.e. eq checks whether the Emacs values underlying t1 and t2 are physically equal. This is different than phys_equal t1 t2, because we don't always wrap eq Emacs values in phys_equal OCaml values. I.e. phys_equal t1 t2 implies eq t1 t2, but not the converse.

val of_value_exn : Ecaml__.Value0.t -> t
val to_value : t -> Ecaml__.Value0.t
val type_ : t Value.Type.t
type buffer = t
include Core_kernel.Equal.S with type t := t
val equal : t Base.Equal.equal
val file_name : t -> string option


  • (describe-function 'buffer-file-name)
val is_live : t -> bool
  • (describe-function 'buffer-file-name)
  • (describe-function 'buffer-live-p)
val name : t -> string option
  • (describe-function 'buffer-live-p)
  • (describe-function 'buffer-name)
val process : t -> Ecaml__.Value0.t option
  • (describe-function 'buffer-name)
  • (describe-function 'get-buffer-process)
val all_live : unit -> t list

all_live returns a list of all live buffers. (describe-function 'buffer-list).

val create : name:string -> t

create ~name creates a new buffer with name name, adjusting the name if necessary to make the buffer's name unique. (describe-function 'generate-new-buffer).

val find : name:string -> t option

find ~name returns the live buffer whose name is name, if any. (describe-function 'get-buffer).

val find_or_create : name:string -> t

find ~name returns the live buffer whose name is name, and if there is no such buffer, creates it. (describe-function 'get-buffer-create).

val kill : t -> unit

kill t kills t, so that not (is_live t). (describe-function 'kill-buffer).

val displayed_in : t -> Ecaml__.Value0.t list

(describe-function 'get-buffer-window-list)

val display : t -> unit

(Info-goto-node "(elisp)Choosing Window") (describe-function 'display-buffer)

val buffer_local_value : t -> 'a Var.t -> 'a

(describe-function 'buffer-local-value) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Creating Buffer-Local")

val buffer_local_variables : t -> (Symbol.t * Value.t option) list

(describe-function 'buffer-local-variables) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Creating Buffer-Local")

val find_file_noselect : Filename.t -> t

(describe-function 'find-file-noselect) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Visiting Functions")

See also Selected_window.find_file.

module Which_buffers : sig ... end
val save_some : ?query:bool -> ?which_buffers:Which_buffers.t -> unit -> unit

(describe-function 'save-some-buffers) (Info-goto-node "(elisp)Saving Buffers")


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