package dolmen_type
Bitvector helpers
Excpetion raised by functions in this module when a non-valid character is encountered in the parsing functions.
check_bin c
Checks if c
is '0' or '1', if it's neither, raises Invalid_char c
Parse a string of the form "#bXXXXXXX" (with X a binary character, i.e. either '1' or '0'), into a binary representation of the bitvector. In this case, it means taking the substring and checking that all characters are valid.
Parse a string of the form "#xXXXXXXX" (with X a hexadecimal character, i.e. in the '0'-'f' range), into a binary representation of the bitvector.
Parse a string of the form "bvXXXXXXX" (with X a decimal character, i.e. in the '0'-'9' range), into a binary bitvector of the given size (second argument), which is the representation of the decimal integer (or a truncated version if the size given is smaller thant the required size for the given integer).