sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
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module Type : Tff_intf.S
module Ty : Dolmen.Intf.Ty.Tptp_Arith with type t := Type.Ty.t
type Type.err +=
| Expected_arith_type : Type.Ty.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t Type.err
Error raised when an arithmetic type was expected (i.e. either int or real), but another type was found.
*)| Cannot_apply_to : Type.Ty.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t Type.err
Raised when an arithmetic symbol is applied to an arithmetic type that cannot support the given operation (e.g. $quotient on integers).
*)Additional errors specific to arithmetic typing.
val parse : Dolmen.Tptp.version -> Type.builtin_symbols