package dolmen_type

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Builtin functions manipulations

val noop : _ -> _ -> [> `Not_found ]

Noop builtins function.

val merge : ('a -> 'b -> [> `Not_found ] as 'c) list -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c

A convenient function for merging a list of builtin parser functions into a single builtin function.

Smtlib Indexed id helpers

type 'ret indexed = [
  1. | `Not_indexed
  2. | `Unary of string -> 'ret
  3. | `Binary of string -> string -> 'ret
  4. | `Ternary of string -> string -> string -> 'ret
  5. | `Nary of int * (string list -> 'ret)

The type of indexed family of operators.

val parse_indexed : string -> string list -> (string -> 'ret indexed) -> err:(string -> int -> int -> 'ret) -> k:(unit -> 'ret) -> 'ret

parse_id basename indexes f ~err ~k uses the function f to get an expected arity for the indexed identifier, and then tries and parse the index list according to the returned specification.

val bad_ty_index_arity : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> 'env -> string -> int -> int -> [> `Ty of Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty ]

Suitable err function for parse_id for typing sort indexed families.

val bad_term_index_arity : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> 'env -> string -> int -> int -> [> `Term of Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term ]

Suitable err function for parse_id for typing term indexed families.

Low-level helpers

type ('env, 'args, 'ret) helper = (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'args -> 'ret) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ret
val make_op0 : (_, unit, _) helper

make_op (module Type) env ast op arity args ret checks that args is the empty list and returns Some (ret ()), else it raises the appropriate exception from the typechecking module.

val make_op1 : (_, Dolmen.Std.Term.t, _) helper

Same as make_op0 but the returning function takes a term as argument.

val make_op2 : (_, Dolmen.Std.Term.t * Dolmen.Std.Term.t, _) helper

Same as make_op0 but the returning function takes a couple of terms as argument.

Same as make_op0 but the returning function takes a triple of terms as argument.

Same as make_op0 but the returning function takes a quadruple of terms as argument.

val make_opn : int -> (_, Dolmen.Std.Term.t list, _) helper

Same as make_op0 but takes an arity first, and the returning function takes a list of terms as argument. The list is guaranteed to have the same length as the given arity.

val make_assoc : (_, Dolmen.Std.Term.t list, _) helper

Ensures the list of arguments is at least of size 2 (used for associative symbols).

val fold_left_assoc : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a

Fold application of a left-associative function on a list.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the list is empty.

val fold_right_assoc : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a

Fold application of a right-associative function on a list.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if the list is empty.

val make_chain : (_, Dolmen.Std.Term.t list, _) helper

Ensures the list of arguments is at least of size 2 (used for chainable symbols).

val map_chain : (module Tff_intf.S with type T.t = 't) -> ('t -> 't -> 't) -> 't list -> 't

Map a function on succesive pairs of elements in the arguments lists, and build the resulting conjunction. map_chain (module Type) mk [t1; t2; ..; tn] is Type.T._and [mk t1 t2; mk t2 t3; ..]

High level helpers

val app0 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> 'ret -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ret
val app0_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'ret) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ret
val ty_app1 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('ty -> 'ty) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty
val ty_app1_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'ty -> 'ty) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty
val term_app1 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app1_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val ty_app2 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('ty -> 'ty -> 'ty) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty
val ty_app2_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty
val term_app2 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app2_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val ty_app3 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> ?check: (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('ty -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty
val ty_app3_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> ?check: (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty
val term_app3 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check: (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('term -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app3_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check: (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val ty_app4 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> ?check: (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('ty -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty
val ty_app4_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type Ty.t = 'ty) -> ?check: (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty -> 'ty) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'ty
val term_app4 : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check: (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('term -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app4_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check: (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_list : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('term list -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_list_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term list -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_left : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_left_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_right : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_right_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_chain : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> ('term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_chain_ast : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> ?check:(Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> unit) -> 'env -> Intf.symbol -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term -> 'term -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_cst : (module Tff_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term and type T.Const.t = 'cst) -> 'env -> 'cst -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_ho : (module Thf_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> 'env -> 'term -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term
val term_app_ho_ast : (module Thf_intf.S with type env = 'env and type T.t = 'term) -> 'env -> (Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> 'term) -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t -> Dolmen.Std.Term.t list -> 'term

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