package diffast-langs-fortran

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Labels.PpDirective end
type branch = Fortran_parsing.F_pp_directive.branch =
  1. | If of string
  2. | Elif of string
  3. | Ifdef of
  4. | Ifndef of
  5. | Else
  6. | Endif of branch * int
val branch_to_string : branch -> string
val branch_to_simple_string : branch -> string
val branch_to_tag : branch -> string * (string * list
val length_of_branch : branch -> int
type message = Fortran_parsing.F_pp_directive.message =
  1. | Error of string
  2. | Warning of string
val message_to_string : message -> string
val message_to_simple_string : message -> string
val message_to_tag : message -> string * (string * string) list
val length_of_message : message -> int
type _t = Fortran_parsing.F_pp_directive._t =
  1. | Define of * string
  2. | Undef of
  3. | Include of H.t
  4. | Branch of branch
  5. | Message of message
  6. | Unknown of string * string
val _to_string : _t -> string
val _to_simple_string : _t -> string
val _to_tag : _t -> string * (string * list
val _get_name_opt : _t -> option
type t = Fortran_parsing.F_pp_directive.t = {
  1. mutable pp_context : Fortran_parsing.Context.tag;
  2. pp_label : _t;
val mk : ?context:Fortran_parsing.Context.tag -> _t -> t
val get_context : t -> Fortran_parsing.Context.tag
val set_context : Fortran_parsing.Context.tag -> t -> unit
val is_specification_part : t -> bool
val is_execution_part : t -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
val to_simple_string : t -> string
val to_tag : t -> string * (string * list
val get_name_opt : t -> option
val anonymize_branch : branch -> branch
val anonymize_message : message -> message
val _anonymize : _t -> _t
val anonymize : t -> t
val branch_to_short_string : ?ignore_identifiers_flag:bool -> branch -> string
val message_to_short_string : message -> string
val _to_short_string : ?ignore_identifiers_flag:bool -> _t -> string
val to_short_string : t -> string

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