package diffast-langs-fortran

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Labels.FormatItem end
type special_edit_desc = Fortran_parsing.F_format_item.special_edit_desc =
  1. | Dollar
  2. | Backslash
  3. | Plus
  4. | Zero
  5. | One
  6. | Blank
val special_edit_desc_to_string : special_edit_desc -> string
val special_edit_desc_to_simple_string : special_edit_desc -> string
type t = Fortran_parsing.F_format_item.t =
  1. | DataEditDesc of int option * string
  2. | ControlEditDesc of Fortran_parsing.F_control_edit_desc.t
  3. | CharStringEditDesc of string
  4. | FormatItemList of int option
  5. | SpecialEditDesc of special_edit_desc
  6. | VariableFormatDesc of int option * string
  7. | Macro of int option * string
val is_bare_vfe : t -> bool
val to_string : t -> string
val to_simple_string : t -> string
val to_tag : t -> string * (string * string) list
val anonymize : t -> t
val special_edit_desc_to_short_string : special_edit_desc -> string
val to_short_string : t -> string

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