package diffast-langs-fortran

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Labels.Dec.Clause end
type t = Fortran_parsing.F_dec.Clause.t =
  1. | Always
  2. | Assert
  3. | Aligned
  4. | Unaligned
  5. | Temporal
  6. | Nontemporal
  7. | Vecremainder
  8. | Novecremainder
  9. | Noassert
  10. | Firstprivate
  11. | Lastprivate
  12. | Linear
  13. | Private
  14. | Reduction
  15. | Vectorlength of int list
  16. | Vectorlengthfor
  17. | Num_threads
  18. | Mask
  19. | Nomask
  20. | Processor of string
  21. | Uniform
  22. | Profitable
  23. | Cost
  24. | Factor
  25. | Level of (int * int) list
val to_string : t -> string
val to_simple_string : t -> string
val to_tag : t -> string * (string * string) list
val anonymize : t -> t
val to_short_string : t -> string

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