package diffast-langs-cpp-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Xset = Diffast_misc.Xset
module Xhash = Diffast_misc.Xhash
module Binding = Diffast_misc.Binding
module Loc = Diffast_misc.Loc
module Env_base = Langs_common.Env_base
module Astloc = Langs_common.Astloc
module UID = Diffast_misc.UID
module L = Label
module B = Binding
module BID = Binding.ID
module I = Pinfo
module N = Pinfo.Name
module Type = Pinfo.Type
module C = Context
module Loc_ = Loc
val is_asm_kw : string -> bool
val conv_loc : Cpp_parsing.Ast.Loc.t -> Loc_.t
val mes : ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a
type paren_kind_sub =
  1. | PKS_NONE
  3. | PKS_IF
type paren_kind =
  1. | PK_NORMAL of paren_kind_sub
  2. | PK_ARG
  3. | PK_TYPE of paren_kind_sub
  4. | PK_MACRO
  5. | PK_PP
  6. | PK_SS
  7. | PK_PS
  8. | PK_FOLD
val paren_kind_sub_to_string : paren_kind_sub -> string
val paren_kind_to_string : paren_kind -> string
type templ_param_arg_context = {
  1. mutable tpac_expr_flag : bool;
val make_templ_param_arg_context : unit -> templ_param_arg_context
val templ_param_arg_context_to_string : templ_param_arg_context -> string
type bracket_kind =
  1. | BK_PAREN of paren_kind
  2. | BK_TEMPL_PARAM of templ_param_arg_context
  3. | BK_TEMPL_ARG of templ_param_arg_context
  4. | BK_SUBSCR
  5. | BK_LAM_INTR
  6. | BK_ATTR
  7. | BK_OBJC_MSG
  8. | BK_BRACE of int option
  10. | BK_INI_BRACE
  11. | BK_REQ_BRACE
val make_templ_param : unit -> bracket_kind
val make_templ_arg : unit -> bracket_kind
val bracket_kind_to_string : bracket_kind -> string
type parsing_mode =
  1. | M_NORMAL
  2. | M_STMTS
  3. | M_DECLS_SUB of string
  4. | M_MEM_DECLS_SUB of string
  5. | M_STMTS_SUB of string
  6. | M_EXPR_SUB of string
  7. | M_INIT_SUB of string
  8. | M_TYPE_SUB of string
  9. | M_SPECS_SUB of string
  10. | M_DTORS_SUB of string
  11. | M_ETORS_SUB of string
  12. | M_OBJC_DECLS_SUB of string
val parsing_mode_to_string : parsing_mode -> string
type odd_brace_lv_t = {
  1. o_lv : int;
  2. mutable o_ini_lv : int;
val odd_brace_lv_to_string : odd_brace_lv_t -> string
val stack_2nd : 'a Stack.t -> 'a
class pstat : object ... end
class dummy_pstat : object ... end
class dummy_stack : object ... end
class env : object ... end
module type STATE_T = sig ... end
module F (Stat : STATE_T) : sig ... end

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