package diffast-langs-cpp-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t =
  1. | Top
  2. | Namespace of NestedNamespace.t
  3. | Template
  4. | Class of Common.ident
  5. | Enum of Common.ident
  6. | EnumClass of Common.ident
  7. | Params
  8. | Block of int * string ref * string ref * bool ref
val to_string : t -> string
val get_name : t -> Common.ident
val is_top : t -> bool
val is_namespace : t -> bool
val is_template : t -> bool
val is_class : t -> bool
val is_enum : t -> bool
val is_enumclass : t -> bool
val is_params : t -> bool
val is_block : t -> bool
val is_body : t -> bool
val is_lambda_body : t -> bool

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