package diffast-langs-cpp-parsing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type access_spec =
  1. | Aprivate
  2. | Aprotected
  3. | Apublic
  4. | Amacro of Common.ident
val access_spec_to_string : access_spec -> Common.ident
type param_spec =
  1. | Pclass
  2. | Ptypename
  3. | PclassPack
  4. | PtypenamePack
  5. | Pconcept of string * Common.ident
val param_spec_to_string : param_spec -> string
val param_spec_is_concept : param_spec -> bool
class base_spec : ?access_spec:access_spec option option -> ?is_virtual:bool option -> ?is_pack_expansion: bool option -> string -> object ... end
class class_spec : ?base_specs:base_spec list option -> ?alt_base_specs_list:base_spec list list option -> string -> object ... end
class enum_base : ? option -> TypeSpec.t list -> object ... end
class enum_spec : ?enum_base:enum_base option option -> Common.ident -> object ... end
class mem_spec : access_spec option -> Type.t_ -> object ... end
type kind =
  1. | Namespace of unit -> unit
  2. | UsingDecl
  3. | UsingEnumDecl
  4. | Template of kind
  5. | TypeParam of param_spec
  6. | Param of Type.t_
  7. | Class of class_spec
  8. | Struct of class_spec
  9. | Union of class_spec
  10. | Enum of enum_spec
  11. | EnumClass of enum_spec
  12. | EnumStruct of enum_spec
  13. | EnumMacro of Common.ident * enum_spec
  14. | Type
  15. | Function of Type.t_
  16. | FParam of Type.t_
  17. | Member of mem_spec
  18. | Variable of Type.t_
  19. | Enumerator of Type.t_
  20. | MacroObj
  21. | MacroFun
  22. | IdMacroFun
  23. | Label
val kind_to_string : kind -> string
val type_of_kind : kind -> Type.t_
val make_templ : kind -> kind
val make_typaram : param_spec -> kind
val make_param : Type.t -> kind
val make_function : Type.t -> kind
val make_fparam : Type.t -> kind
val make_variable : Type.t -> kind
val make_enumerator : Type.t -> kind
val make_member : access_spec option -> Type.t -> kind
class c : ?bid_opt:BID.t option option -> ?prefix:string option -> ?is_local: bool option -> ?section_info_opt:pp_if_section_info option option -> Astloc.t -> int -> Common.ident -> kind -> object ... end

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