package coq
type inductive_universes =
| Monomorphic_ind_entry of Univ.universe_context
| Polymorphic_ind_entry of Univ.universe_context
| Cumulative_ind_entry of Univ.cumulativity_info
type one_inductive_entry = {
mind_entry_typename : Names.Id.t;
mind_entry_arity : Term.constr;
mind_entry_template : bool;
mind_entry_consnames : Names.Id.t list;
mind_entry_lc : Term.constr list;
type mutual_inductive_entry = {
mind_entry_record : Names.Id.t option option;
mind_entry_finite : Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind;
mind_entry_params : (Names.Id.t * local_entry) list;
mind_entry_inds : one_inductive_entry list;
mind_entry_universes : inductive_universes;
mind_entry_private : bool option;
type !'a proof_output = Term.constr Univ.in_universe_context_set * 'a
type 'a const_entry_body = 'a proof_output Future.computation
type !'a definition_entry = {
const_entry_body : 'a const_entry_body;
const_entry_secctx : Context.Named.t option;
const_entry_feedback : Stateid.t option;
const_entry_type : Term.types option;
const_entry_polymorphic : bool;
const_entry_universes : Univ.universe_context;
const_entry_opaque : bool;
const_entry_inline_code : bool;
type parameter_entry =
Context.Named.t option * bool * Term.types Univ.in_universe_context * inline
type !'a constant_entry =
| DefinitionEntry of 'a definition_entry
| ParameterEntry of parameter_entry
| ProjectionEntry of projection_entry
type module_struct_entry = Declarations.module_alg_expr
type module_params_entry = (Names.MBId.t * module_struct_entry) list
type module_type_entry = module_params_entry * module_struct_entry
type module_entry =
| MType of module_params_entry * module_struct_entry
| MExpr of module_params_entry * module_struct_entry * module_struct_entry option
type side_eff =
| SEsubproof of Names.constant * Declarations.constant_body * seff_env
| SEscheme of (Names.inductive * Names.constant * Declarations.constant_body * seff_env) list * string
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"