package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Id : sig ... end
module Name : sig ... end
type name = Name.t =
  1. | Anonymous
  2. | Name of Id.t
type variable = Id.t
type module_ident = Id.t
module ModIdset : sig ... end
module ModIdmap : sig ... end
module DirPath : sig ... end
module Label : sig ... end
module MBId : sig ... end
module MBIset : sig ... end
module MBImap : sig ... end
module ModPath : sig ... end
module MPset : sig ... end
module MPmap : sig ... end
module KerName : sig ... end
module KNset : sig ... end
module KNpred : sig ... end
module KNmap : sig ... end
module Constant : sig ... end
module Cpred : sig ... end
module Cset : sig ... end
module Cset_env : sig ... end
module Cmap : sig ... end
module Cmap_env : sig ... end
module MutInd : sig ... end
module Mindset : sig ... end
module Mindmap : sig ... end
module Mindmap_env : sig ... end
type inductive = MutInd.t * int
type constructor = inductive * int
module Indmap : sig ... end
module Constrmap : sig ... end
module Indmap_env : sig ... end
module Constrmap_env : sig ... end
val ind_modpath : inductive -> ModPath.t
val constr_modpath : constructor -> ModPath.t
val ith_mutual_inductive : inductive -> int -> inductive
val ith_constructor_of_inductive : inductive -> int -> constructor
val inductive_of_constructor : constructor -> inductive
val index_of_constructor : constructor -> int
val eq_ind : inductive -> inductive -> bool
val eq_user_ind : inductive -> inductive -> bool
val eq_syntactic_ind : inductive -> inductive -> bool
val ind_ord : inductive -> inductive -> int
val ind_hash : inductive -> int
val ind_user_ord : inductive -> inductive -> int
val ind_user_hash : inductive -> int
val ind_syntactic_ord : inductive -> inductive -> int
val ind_syntactic_hash : inductive -> int
val eq_constructor : constructor -> constructor -> bool
val eq_user_constructor : constructor -> constructor -> bool
val eq_syntactic_constructor : constructor -> constructor -> bool
val constructor_ord : constructor -> constructor -> int
val constructor_hash : constructor -> int
val constructor_user_ord : constructor -> constructor -> int
val constructor_user_hash : constructor -> int
val constructor_syntactic_ord : constructor -> constructor -> int
val constructor_syntactic_hash : constructor -> int
type evaluable_global_reference =
  1. | EvalVarRef of Id.t
  2. | EvalConstRef of Constant.t
val hcons_con : Constant.t -> Constant.t
val hcons_mind : MutInd.t -> MutInd.t
val hcons_ind : inductive -> inductive
val hcons_construct : constructor -> constructor
type !'a tableKey =
  1. | ConstKey of 'a
  2. | VarKey of Id.t
  3. | RelKey of Int.t
type transparent_state = Id.Pred.t * Cpred.t
val empty_transparent_state : transparent_state
val full_transparent_state : transparent_state
val var_full_transparent_state : transparent_state
val cst_full_transparent_state : transparent_state
type inv_rel_key = int
val eq_table_key : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a tableKey -> 'a tableKey -> bool
val eq_constant_key : Constant.t -> Constant.t -> bool
val eq_con_chk : Constant.t -> Constant.t -> bool
val eq_ind_chk : inductive -> inductive -> bool
type identifier = Id.t
val string_of_id : identifier -> string
val id_of_string : string -> identifier
val id_ord : identifier -> identifier -> int
val id_eq : identifier -> identifier -> bool
module Idset : sig ... end
module Idpred : sig ... end
module Idmap : sig ... end
type dir_path = DirPath.t
val dir_path_ord : dir_path -> dir_path -> int
val dir_path_eq : dir_path -> dir_path -> bool
val make_dirpath : module_ident list -> dir_path
val repr_dirpath : dir_path -> module_ident list
val empty_dirpath : dir_path
val is_empty_dirpath : dir_path -> bool
val string_of_dirpath : dir_path -> string
val initial_dir : DirPath.t
type label = Label.t
val mk_label : string -> label
val string_of_label : label -> string
val pr_label : label -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val label_of_id : Id.t -> label
val id_of_label : label -> Id.t
val eq_label : label -> label -> bool
type mod_bound_id = MBId.t
val mod_bound_id_ord : mod_bound_id -> mod_bound_id -> int
val mod_bound_id_eq : mod_bound_id -> mod_bound_id -> bool
val make_mbid : DirPath.t -> Id.t -> mod_bound_id
val repr_mbid : mod_bound_id -> int * Id.t * DirPath.t
val id_of_mbid : mod_bound_id -> Id.t
val string_of_mbid : mod_bound_id -> string
val debug_string_of_mbid : mod_bound_id -> string
val name_eq : name -> name -> bool
type module_path = ModPath.t =
  1. | MPfile of DirPath.t
  2. | MPbound of MBId.t
  3. | MPdot of module_path * Label.t
val mp_ord : module_path -> module_path -> int
val mp_eq : module_path -> module_path -> bool
val check_bound_mp : module_path -> bool
val string_of_mp : module_path -> string
val initial_path : module_path
type kernel_name = KerName.t
val make_kn : ModPath.t -> DirPath.t -> Label.t -> kernel_name
val modpath : kernel_name -> module_path
val label : kernel_name -> Label.t
val string_of_kn : kernel_name -> string
val pr_kn : kernel_name -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val kn_ord : kernel_name -> kernel_name -> int
type constant = Constant.t
module Projection : sig ... end
type projection = Projection.t
val constant_of_kn_equiv : KerName.t -> KerName.t -> constant
val constant_of_kn : KerName.t -> constant
val make_con : ModPath.t -> DirPath.t -> Label.t -> constant
val repr_con : constant -> ModPath.t * DirPath.t * Label.t
val user_con : constant -> KerName.t
val canonical_con : constant -> KerName.t
val con_modpath : constant -> ModPath.t
val con_label : constant -> Label.t
val eq_constant : constant -> constant -> bool
val con_ord : constant -> constant -> int
val con_user_ord : constant -> constant -> int
val con_with_label : constant -> Label.t -> constant
val string_of_con : constant -> string
val pr_con : constant -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val debug_pr_con : constant -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val debug_string_of_con : constant -> string
type mutual_inductive = MutInd.t
val mind_of_kn : KerName.t -> mutual_inductive
val mind_of_kn_equiv : KerName.t -> KerName.t -> mutual_inductive
val make_mind : ModPath.t -> DirPath.t -> Label.t -> mutual_inductive
val user_mind : mutual_inductive -> KerName.t
val canonical_mind : mutual_inductive -> KerName.t
val eq_mind : mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive -> bool
val mind_ord : mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive -> int
val mind_user_ord : mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive -> int
val mind_label : mutual_inductive -> Label.t
val mind_modpath : mutual_inductive -> ModPath.t
val string_of_mind : mutual_inductive -> string
val debug_pr_mind : mutual_inductive -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val debug_string_of_mind : mutual_inductive -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.