package coq
type engagement = set_predicativity
type template_arity = {
template_param_levels : Univ.universe_level option list;
template_level : Univ.universe;
type constant_type =
(Term.types, Context.Rel.t * template_arity) declaration_arity
type projection_body = {
proj_ind : Names.mutual_inductive;
proj_npars : int;
proj_arg : int;
proj_type : Term.types;
proj_eta : Term.constr * Term.types;
proj_body : Term.constr;
type constant_def =
| Undef of inline
| Def of Term.constr Mod_subst.substituted
| OpaqueDef of Opaqueproof.opaque
type constant_universes =
| Monomorphic_const of Univ.universe_context
| Polymorphic_const of Univ.abstract_universe_context
type constant_body = {
const_hyps : Context.Named.t;
const_body : constant_def;
const_type : constant_type;
const_body_code : Cemitcodes.to_patch_substituted option;
const_universes : constant_universes;
const_proj : projection_body option;
const_inline_code : bool;
const_typing_flags : typing_flags;
type record_body =
(Names.Id.t * Names.constant array * projection_body array) option
type inductive_arity =
(regular_inductive_arity, template_arity) declaration_arity
type one_inductive_body = {
mind_typename : Names.Id.t;
mind_arity_ctxt : Context.Rel.t;
mind_arity : inductive_arity;
mind_consnames : Names.Id.t array;
mind_user_lc : Term.types array;
mind_nrealargs : int;
mind_nrealdecls : int;
mind_kelim : Term.sorts_family list;
mind_nf_lc : Term.types array;
mind_consnrealargs : int array;
mind_consnrealdecls : int array;
mind_recargs : wf_paths;
mind_nb_constant : int;
mind_nb_args : int;
mind_reloc_tbl : Cbytecodes.reloc_table;
type abstract_inductive_universes =
| Monomorphic_ind of Univ.universe_context
| Polymorphic_ind of Univ.abstract_universe_context
| Cumulative_ind of Univ.abstract_cumulativity_info
type mutual_inductive_body = {
mind_packets : one_inductive_body array;
mind_record : record_body option;
mind_finite : Decl_kinds.recursivity_kind;
mind_ntypes : int;
mind_hyps : Context.Named.t;
mind_nparams : int;
mind_nparams_rec : int;
mind_params_ctxt : Context.Rel.t;
mind_universes : abstract_inductive_universes;
mind_private : bool option;
mind_typing_flags : typing_flags;
type (!'ty, !'a) functorize =
| NoFunctor of 'a
| MoreFunctor of Names.MBId.t * 'ty * ('ty, 'a) functorize
type with_declaration =
| WithMod of Names.Id.t list * Names.module_path
| WithDef of Names.Id.t list * Term.constr Univ.in_universe_context
type module_alg_expr =
| MEident of Names.module_path
| MEapply of module_alg_expr * Names.module_path
| MEwith of module_alg_expr * with_declaration
type structure_field_body =
| SFBconst of constant_body
| SFBmind of mutual_inductive_body
| SFBmodule of module_body
| SFBmodtype of module_type_body
and structure_body = (Names.Label.t * structure_field_body) list
and module_signature = (module_type_body, structure_body) functorize
and module_expression = (module_type_body, module_alg_expr) functorize
and module_implementation =
| Abstract
| Algebraic of module_expression
| Struct of module_signature
| FullStruct
and module_body = {
mod_mp : Names.module_path;
mod_expr : module_implementation;
mod_type : module_signature;
mod_type_alg : module_expression option;
mod_constraints : Univ.ContextSet.t;
mod_delta : Mod_subst.delta_resolver;
mod_retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.action list;
and module_type_body = module_body
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"