package coq

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type locality =
  1. | Discharge
  2. | Local
  3. | Global
type binding_kind =
  1. | Explicit
  2. | Implicit
type polymorphic = bool
type private_flag = bool
type cumulative_inductive_flag = bool
type theorem_kind =
  1. | Theorem
  2. | Lemma
  3. | Fact
  4. | Remark
  5. | Property
  6. | Proposition
  7. | Corollary
type definition_object_kind =
  1. | Definition
  2. | Coercion
  3. | SubClass
  4. | CanonicalStructure
  5. | Example
  6. | Fixpoint
  7. | CoFixpoint
  8. | Scheme
  9. | StructureComponent
  10. | IdentityCoercion
  11. | Instance
  12. | Method
type assumption_object_kind =
  1. | Definitional
  2. | Logical
  3. | Conjectural
type assumption_kind = locality * polymorphic * assumption_object_kind
type definition_kind = locality * polymorphic * definition_object_kind
type goal_object_kind =
  1. | DefinitionBody of definition_object_kind
  2. | Proof of theorem_kind
type logical_kind =
  1. | IsAssumption of assumption_object_kind
  2. | IsDefinition of definition_object_kind
  3. | IsProof of theorem_kind
type recursivity_kind =
  1. | Finite
  2. | CoFinite
  3. | BiFinite

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