package coq
val accu_tag : tag
val type_atom_tag : tag
val max_atom_tag : tag
val proj_tag : tag
val fix_app_tag : tag
val switch_tag : tag
val cofix_tag : tag
val cofix_evaluated_tag : tag
val last_variant_tag : tag
type structured_constant =
| Const_sorts of Term.sorts
| Const_ind of Names.inductive
| Const_proj of Names.Constant.t
| Const_b0 of tag
| Const_bn of tag * structured_constant array
| Const_univ_level of Univ.universe_level
| Const_type of Univ.universe
val pp_struct_const : structured_constant -> Pp.std_ppcmds
type reloc_table = (tag * int) array
module Label : sig ... end
type instruction =
| Klabel of Label.t
| Kacc of int
| Kenvacc of int
| Koffsetclosure of int
| Kpush
| Kpop of int
| Kpush_retaddr of Label.t
| Kapply of int
| Kappterm of int * int
| Kreturn of int
| Kjump
| Krestart
| Kgrab of int
| Kgrabrec of int
| Kclosure of Label.t * int
| Kclosurerec of int * int * Label.t array * Label.t array
| Kclosurecofix of int * int * Label.t array * Label.t array
| Kgetglobal of Names.constant
| Kconst of structured_constant
| Kmakeblock of int * tag
| Kmakeprod
| Kmakeswitchblock of Label.t * Label.t * annot_switch * int
| Kswitch of Label.t array * Label.t array
| Kpushfields of int
| Kfield of int
| Ksetfield of int
| Kstop
| Ksequence of bytecodes * bytecodes
| Kproj of int * Names.Constant.t
| Kensurestackcapacity of int
| Kbranch of Label.t
| Kaddint31
| Kaddcint31
| Kaddcarrycint31
| Ksubint31
| Ksubcint31
| Ksubcarrycint31
| Kmulint31
| Kmulcint31
| Kdiv21int31
| Kdivint31
| Kaddmuldivint31
| Kcompareint31
| Khead0int31
| Ktail0int31
| Kisconst of Label.t
| Kareconst of int * Label.t
| Kcompint31
| Kdecompint31
| Klorint31
| Klandint31
| Klxorint31
and bytecodes = instruction list
type fv = fv_elem array
module FvMap : sig ... end
type comp_env = {
nb_uni_stack : int;
nb_stack : int;
in_stack : int list;
nb_rec : int;
pos_rec : instruction list;
offset : int;
in_env : vm_env ref;
val pp_bytecodes : bytecodes -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val pp_fv_elem : fv_elem -> Pp.std_ppcmds
type block =
| Bconstr of Term.constr
| Bstrconst of structured_constant
| Bmakeblock of int * block array
| Bconstruct_app of int * int * int * block array
| Bspecial of comp_env -> block array -> int -> bytecodes -> bytecodes * block array
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"