package biotk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

BED format

BED (Browser Extensible Data) format is used to describe a collection of genomic features. It is a tabulated format. See the specification. Several variants exist, depending on the number of fields, and they are accordingly named BED3, BED4, etc. This module offers one representation per variant, including a general-purpose representation only assuming 3 fields.

type strand = [
  1. | `Plus
  2. | `Minus
  3. | `Not_relevant
  4. | `Unknown
val parse_strand : string -> (strand, string) result
val unparse_strand : strand -> string
module type Item = sig ... end
module type S = sig ... end
module Item : Item with type t = GLoc.t * string list
include S with type item := Item.t
val load : string -> Item.t list
val load_as_lmap : string -> Item.t GAnnot.LMap.t
val save : Item.t list -> string -> unit
module Bed3 : sig ... end
module Bed4 : sig ... end
module Bed5 : sig ... end
module Bed6 : sig ... end

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