package biotk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type assembly = [
  1. | `dm3
  2. | `droSim1
  3. | `hg18
  4. | `hg19
  5. | `hg38
  6. | `mm8
  7. | `mm9
  8. | `mm10
  9. | `sacCer2
val string_of_assembly : [< assembly ] -> string
type track_attribute = [
  1. | `name of string
  2. | `description of string
  3. | `type_ of track_type
  4. | `visibility of [ `hide | `full | `dense | `pack | `squish ]
  5. | `color of color
  6. | `itemRgb of bool
  7. | `colorByStrand of color * color
  8. | `useScore of bool
  9. | `group of string
  10. | `priority of int
  11. | `db of assembly
  12. | `offset of int
  13. | `maxItems of int
  14. | `url of string
  15. | `htmlUrl of string
  16. | `bigDataUrl of string
and color = int * int * int
and track_type = [
  1. | `bam
  2. | `bedDetail
  3. | `bedGraph
  4. | `bigBed
  5. | `bigWig
  6. | `broadPeak
  7. | `narrowPeak
  8. | `array
  9. | `vcf
  10. | `wig
val track_line : track_attribute list -> string
type url_param = [
  1. | `pix of int
  2. | `hgt_labelWidth of int
  3. | `textSize of int
val custom_track_url : ?params:url_param list -> db:[< assembly ] -> position:(string * (int * int) option) -> data_url:string -> unit -> string
val bigData_custom_track_url : ?params:url_param list -> db:[< assembly ] -> position:(string * (int * int) option) -> track:track_attribute list -> unit -> string
module Chrom_size : sig ... end

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