package biotk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A set of locations with an attached value on each of them

type 'a t
val empty : 'a t
val add : 'a t -> GLoc.t -> 'a -> 'a t
val to_stream : 'a t -> (GLoc.t * 'a) Stream.t
val of_stream : (GLoc.t * 'a) Stream.t -> 'a t
val intersects : 'a t -> GLoc.t -> bool

intersects lmap loc returns true if loc has a non-empty intersection with one of the locations in lmap, and returns false otherwise

val closest : 'a t -> GLoc.t -> (GLoc.t * 'a * int) option

closest lmap loc returns the GLoc.t in lmap that is the closest to loc, along with its annotation and the actual (minimal) distance. Returns None if there is no GLoc.t in lmap that comes from the same chromosome than loc.

val intersecting_elems : 'a t -> GLoc.t -> (GLoc.t * 'a) Stream.t

intersecting_elems lmap loc returns a stream of elements in lmap whose GLoc.t intersects with loc.


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