package base-unix

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


Unix library distributed with the OCaml compiler

Published: 21 Nov 2013



Dev Dependencies


  1. ANSITerminal = "0.6.2" | >= "0.7"
  2. acpc
  3. afl-persistent
  4. angstrom-lwt-unix
  5. angstrom-unix
  6. bap < "1.0.0"
  7. bap-std
  8. bddrand
  9. bechamel-perf
  10. benchmark >= "1.3.1"
  11. benchpress
  12. benchpress-server
  13. bigstring-unix
  14. bisect_ppx >= "1.3.0"
  15. bitstring < "2.0.4"
  16. boltzgen >= "0.9.2"
  17. boomerang
  18. bos
  19. broken >= "0.4.2"
  20. bst >= "6.0.0"
  21. bwrap
  22. calculon
  23. camlimages < "5.0.2"
  24. carton
  25. carton-git
  26. catapult
  27. cgroups
  28. cinaps >= "v0.15.0"
  29. clangml < "4.0.0"
  30. cloudi >= "1.7.3"
  31. codept >= "0.9.1" & < "0.10.3"
  32. cohttp-lwt-unix
  33. cohttp-lwt-unix-nossl
  34. cohttp-lwt-unix-ssl
  35. conan-unix
  36. conduit-lwt
  37. conduit-lwt-unix
  38. conf-bap-llvm >= "1.1"
  39. conf-binutils
  40. conf-ida
  41. conf-radare2
  42. conjury >= "2.1" & < "2.2"
  43. core-lwt
  44. cppo >= "1.6.0"
  45. cryptohash
  46. cstruct-lwt >= "3.0.0"
  47. cstruct-unix
  48. csv >= "2.0"
  49. csv-lwt
  50. csvtool
  51. curly
  52. daft
  53. devkit
  54. distributed
  55. dkim
  56. dkim-bin < "0.6.0"
  57. dkml-base-compiler
  58. dns-lwt-unix
  59. docker-api
  60. dokeysto
  61. dolog >= "0.2"
  62. dream
  63. dropbox >= "0.2"
  64. dune >= "1.6.0"
  65. dune-action-plugin >= "3.3.0"
  66. dune-configurator >= "3.3.0"
  67. dune-rpc-lwt >= "3.3.0"
  68. extunix >= "0.1.2"
  69. ez_file
  70. ezdl
  71. ezresto
  72. faraday-lwt-unix
  73. fasmifra
  74. fileutils >= "0.5.2"
  75. fkie-cad-cwe-checker < "0.2"
  76. flowtype
  77. functoria != "3.1.2"
  78. fuseau-lwt
  79. gadelac
  80. gammu >= "0.9.4"
  81. gbddml
  82. gccjit
  83. git >= "1.5.2" & < "1.10.0" | >= "3.0.0"
  84. git-unix
  85. github >= "1.0.0" & < "3.0.0"
  86. github-hooks < "0.2.0"
  87. github-unix
  88. gitlab-unix
  89. gnuplot >= "0.6"
  90. gr < "0.0.2"
  91. gufo
  92. hardcaml = "1.2.0"
  93. hdfs
  94. header-check
  95. http-cookie < "3.0.0"
  96. http2https
  97. hvsock
  98. hxd < "0.3.0"
  99. ISO8601 >= "0.2.6"
  100. i2c
  101. imagelib >= "20200929"
  102. inotify >= "2.0"
  103. io
  104. ipaddr = "2.9.0"
  105. irc-client-unix
  106. irmin >= "0.9.0" & < "0.11.1"
  107. js_of_ocaml >= "2.4" & < "3.0"
  108. jupyter
  109. jupyter-kernel
  110. kafka >= "0.3" & < "0.5"
  111. labrys
  112. libevent >= "0.8.0"
  113. libra-tk
  114. libres3
  115. libzipperposition
  116. linol-eio
  117. linol-lwt
  118. linwrap
  119. logtk
  120. lpd >= "1.2.1"
  121. lreplay
  122. lustre-v6
  123. lutils
  124. lutin
  125. luv
  126. luv_unix
  127. lwt-canceler >= "0.3"
  128. lwt-exit
  129. lwt-parallel
  130. lwt-pipeline >= "0.2"
  131. lwt_glib >= "1.0.1"
  132. lwt_ssl >= "1.0.1"
  133. lz4_chans
  134. maki
  135. markup-lwt
  136. memcad
  137. message-switch >= "1.4.0"
  138. mindstorm
  139. mindstorm-lwt
  140. misuja
  141. mkocaml
  142. moonpool-lwt
  143. mosquitto
  144. moss
  145. mperf
  146. msat < "0.3"
  147. mwt
  148. mybuild >= "2"
  149. named-pipe
  150. nunchaku
  151. oasis >= "0.4.5"
  152. oasis2debian >= "0.1.4"
  153. oasis2opam >= "0.4.0"
  154. ocaml-base-compiler
  155. ocaml-system
  156. ocaml-variants != "4.00.1+mirage-xen" & != "4.04.0+copatterns" & != "4.14.1+trunk" & != "4.14.2+trunk" & != "5.0.0+trunk" & != "5.1.0+trunk" & != "5.1.1+trunk" & != "5.2.0+trunk"
  157. ocamlformat < "0.20.0"
  158. ocamlformat-rpc < "0.20.0"
  159. ocamlfuse >= "2.7.1-cvs3"
  160. ocp-ocamlres
  161. ocplib-concur
  162. ocsigenserver >= "2.3.1"
  163. octez-distributed-internal
  164. octez-distributed-lwt-internal
  165. octez-libs
  166. octez-protocol-compiler
  167. ocurl >= "0.7.0"
  168. odate >= "0.6"
  169. odig < "0.0.4"
  170. oloop
  171. opam-build-revdeps
  172. opam-core
  173. opam-depext >= "1.2.0"
  174. opium >= "0.16.0" & < "0.18.0"
  175. osc-unix
  176. osx-acl
  177. osx-attr
  178. osx-membership
  179. osx-mount
  180. osx-plutil
  181. osx-xattr
  182. ounit = "2.1.2"
  183. ounit2
  184. paf
  185. parany < "13.0.0" | >= "14.0.0"
  186. parmap >= "1.1.1"
  187. podge
  188. polka
  189. poll
  190. polly
  191. posix-clock
  192. posix-mqueue
  193. posix-semaphore
  194. ppx_relit
  195. ppx_sqlexpr
  196. prbnmcn-gnuplot
  197. process
  198. protocol-9p >= "0.3" & < "0.11.3"
  199. protocol-9p-unix
  200. pvem_lwt_unix
  201. qcheck >= "0.5"
  202. qcheck-alcotest
  203. qcheck-core
  204. qcheck-ounit
  205. qfs
  206. qmp >= "0.19.0"
  207. radare2
  208. rankers
  209. raygun4ocaml
  210. rdbg
  211. redis >= "0.3.6"
  212. redis-lwt < "0.3.6"
  213. redis-sync < "0.3.6"
  214. reparse-unix
  215. resto
  216. ringo-lwt
  217. sattools
  218. session >= "0.5.0"
  219. sessions
  220. sibylfs
  221. sill
  222. skkserv-lite
  223. socketcan
  224. spacetime_lib
  225. sqlexpr >= "0.7.1"
  226. sqlgg >= "0.4.3"
  227. ssl >= "0.5.6" & < "0.7.0"
  228. stdune >= "3.3.0"
  229. stramon-lib
  230. svmwrap
  231. syndic >= "1.6.0"
  232. tezos-protocol-compiler < "8.0" | >= "13.0"
  233. tezos-stdlib-unix
  234. tezos-tooling >= "13.0"
  235. tezt >= "3.0.0"
  236. trace-fuchsia
  237. trace-tef
  238. unix-type-representations
  239. utop >= "1.17"
  240. uwt
  241. waylaunch < "0.3.0"
  242. win-error
  243. win-eventlog >= "0.4"
  244. xapi-idl
  245. xapi-rrd >= "1.0.0"
  246. xapi-stdext
  247. xapi-stdext-date
  248. xapi-stdext-threads
  249. xapi-stdext-unix
  250. xdg-basedir
  251. zipperposition
  252. zmq >= "3.2-1" & < "5.1.4"
  253. zstd




Innovation. Community. Security.