Using the OCaml Compiler Toolchain
This tutorial explains how to compile your OCaml programs into executable form. It addresses, in turn:
The compilation commands
provided with OCaml. It is useful to learn these commands to understand OCaml's compilation model. -
front-end to the compiler, which saves you from worrying about where libraries have been installed on your particular system. -
Automatic build systems for OCaml, such as
, which release us from details of compiler command invocation, so we never touchocamlc
, or evenocamlfind
In "Your First OCaml Program" we jumped straight to using
the automated build system dune
. Now we shall look under the hood.
Compilation Basics
In this section, we will first see how to compile a simple program using
only ocamlc
or ocamlopt
. Then we will see how to use libraries and how
to take advantage of the
system, which provides the ocamlfind
and ocamlopt
The OCaml comes with two compilers: ocamlc
is the bytecode compiler, and
is the native code compiler. If you don't know which one to use, use
since it provides executables that are faster than bytecode.
But if you want to try ocamlc
, you can go ahead and try the following.
Create a new directory named hello
and navigate to the directory:
mkdir hello
cd hello
Next, create a file named
and add the following code with your favorite text editor:
let()"Hello OCaml!"
Now, we are ready to run the code. Save the file and return to the command line. Let's compile the code:
The -o hello
option tells the compiler to name the output executable as hello
. The executable hello
contains compiled OCaml bytecode. In addition, two other files are produced, hello.cmi
and hello.cmo
contains compiled interface information for OCaml modules. An interface file includes type information and module signatures but doesn't contain the actual code.
contains the compiled bytecode for OCaml modules. Bytecode is an intermediate representation of the code that is executed by the OCaml interpreter or runtime system.
cmi stands for Compiled Module Interface and cmo stands for Compiled Module Object.
Now let's run the executable and see what happens:
$ ./hello
Hello OCaml!
Voilà! It says, Hello OCaml!
We can change the string or add more content, save the file, recompile, and rerun.
Moving on, we'll see how to use ocamlopt
. Let's assume that our program program
has two source files,
. We will compile them to native code,
using ocamlopt
. For now, we also assume that they do not use any other
library than the standard library, which is automatically loaded. You
can compile the program in one single step:
ocamlopt -o program
The compiler produces an executable named program
or program.exe
. The order
of the source files matters, and so
cannot depend upon things that
are defined in
. Please also note that you should avoid creating a file that
conflicts with a module exposed by a library you are using. For instance, if you create
a file
and use the graphics
library, the Graphics
module exposed
from the graphics
library will be hidden by your newly defined module, hence all
of the functions defined in it will be made inaccessible.
The OCaml distribution is shipped with the standard library, plus several other libraries. There are also a large number of third-party libraries, for a wide range of applications, from networking to graphics. You should understand the following:
The OCaml compilers know where the standard library is and use it systematically (try:
ocamlc -where
). You don't have to worry much about it. -
The other libraries that ship with the OCaml distribution (str, unix, etc.) are installed in the same directory as the standard library.
Third-party libraries may be installed in various places, and even a given library can be installed in different places from one system to another.
If your program uses the unix library in addition to the standard library, for example, the command line would be:
ocamlopt -o program unix.cmxa
Note that .cmxa
is the extension of native code libraries, while .cma
the extension of bytecode libraries. The file unix.cmxa
is found because it
is always installed at the same place as the standard library, and this
directory is in the library search path.
If your program depends upon third-party libraries, you must pass them on the
command line. You must also indicate the libraries on which these libraries
depend. You must also pass the -I option to ocamlopt
for each directory where
they may be found. This becomes complicated, and this information is
installation dependent. So we will use ocamlfind
instead, which does these
jobs for us.
Using the The ocamlfind
front-end is often used for compiling programs that use
third-party OCaml libraries. Library authors themselves make their library
installable with ocamlfind
as well. You can install ocamlfind
using the
opam package manager, by typing opam install ocamlfind
Let's assume that all the libraries you want to use have been installed properly with ocamlfind. You can see which libraries are available in your system by typing:
ocamlfind list
This shows the list of package names, with their versions. Note that most
opam packages install software using ocamlfind, so your list of ocamlfind
libraries will be somewhat similar to your list of installed opam packages
obtained by opam list
The command for compiling our program using package pkg
will be:
ocamlfind ocamlopt -o program -linkpkg -package pkg
Multiple packages may be specified using commas e.g pkg1,pkg2
. Ocamlfind
knows how to find any files ocamlopt
may need from the package, for example
implementation files or .cmi
interface files, because they have been
packaged together and installed at a known location by ocamlfind. We need only
the name pkg
to refer to them all - ocamlfind does the rest.
Note that you can compile the files separately. This is useful if you want to recompile only some parts of the programs. Here are the equivalent commands that perform a separate compilation of the source files and link them together in a final step:
ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -package pkg
ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -package pkg
ocamlfind ocamlopt -o program -linkpkg -package pkg module1.cmx module2.cmx
Separate compilation (one command for
, another for
and another to link the final output) is usually not performed manually but
only when using an automated build system that will take care of recompiling
only what is necessary.
Interlude: Making a Custom Toplevel
OCaml provides another tool ocamlmktop
to make an interactive toplevel with
libraries accessible. For example:
ocamlmktop -o toplevel unix.cma
We run toplevel
and get an OCaml toplevel with modules Unix
, Module1
, and
all available, allowing us to experiment interactively with our
OCamlfind also supports ocamlmktop
ocamlfind ocamlmktop -o toplevel unix.cma -package pkg
Dune: An Automated Build System
The most popular modern system for building OCaml projects is
dune which may be installed with
opam install dune
. It allows one to build OCaml projects from a simple
description of their elements. For example, the dune file for our project might
look like this:
;; our example project
The dune quick-start guide shows you how to write such description files for more complicated situations, and how to structure, build, and run dune projects.
Bytecode Using Dune
Dune is a build system for OCaml projects, and it allows you to configure different modes for building your executables. We will use (modes byte exe)
stanza in the dune
file, which will produce both bytecode (interpreted) and native executable versions of the OCaml program.
Let's create an example project named myproject
Create a dune-project
file, add the following content.
(lang dune 3.0)
(name myproject)
Here, 3.0 is the installed version of Dune
. You can check it by typing dune --version
on your terminal. And the name
is the name of the project, i.e., myproject
Create a dune
file, add the following content.
(name main)
(libraries base)
(modes byte exe))
As aforementioned, (modes byte exe)
stanza produces both bytecode (interpreted) and native executable versions of our OCaml program.
Next, create a
file, add the following content.
let () = print_endline "Hello Dune!"
Finally, we compile and execute it.
dune build main.bc
The .bc
stands for generic bytecode file, and it can be an executable or library.
$ dune exec ./main.bc
Hello Dune!
We can also do that with .exe
dune build main.exe
$ dune exec ./main.exe
Hello Dune!
Other Build Systems
- OMake Another OCaml build system.
- GNU make GNU make can build anything, including OCaml. May be used in conjunction with OCamlmakefile
- Oasis Generates a configure, build, and install system from a specification.
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