How to Work with the Garbage Collector

In Understanding the Garbage Collector, discussed how Garbage Collection in OCaml works. In this tutorial, we look at how to use the Gc module and how to write your own finalisers. At the end of the tutorial, we give some exercises you might try in order to develop a better understanding.

The Gc Module

The Gc module contains some useful functions for querying and calling the garbage collector from OCaml programs.

Here is a program that runs and then prints out GC statistics just before quitting:

let rec iterate r x_init i =
  if i = 1 then x_init
    let x = iterate r x_init (i - 1) in
    r *. x *. (1.0 -. x)

let () =
  Random.self_init ();
  Graphics.open_graph " 640x480";
  for x = 0 to 640 do
    let r = 4.0 *. float_of_int x /. 640.0 in
    for i = 0 to 39 do
      let x_init = Random.float 1.0 in
      let x_final = iterate r x_init 500 in
      let y = int_of_float (x_final *. 480.) in
      Graphics.plot x y
  Gc.print_stat stdout

Here is what it printed out for me:

minor_words: 115926165     # Total number of words allocated
promoted_words: 31217      # Promoted from minor -> major
major_words: 31902         # Large objects allocated in major directly
minor_collections: 3538    # Number of minor heap collections
major_collections: 39      # Number of major heap collections
heap_words: 63488          # Size of the heap, in words = approx. 256K
heap_chunks: 1
top_heap_words: 63488
live_words: 2694
live_blocks: 733
free_words: 60794
free_blocks: 4
largest_free: 31586
fragments: 0
compactions: 0

We can see that minor heap collections are approximately 100 times more frequent than major heap collections (in this example, not necessarily in general). Over the lifetime of the program, an astonishing 440 MB of memory was allocated. Of course, most of that would have been immediately freed in a minor collection. Only about 128K was promoted to long-term storage on the major heap, and another 128K consisted of large objects which would have been allocated directly onto the major heap.

We can instruct the GC to print out debugging messages when one of several events happen (e.g., on every major collection). Try adding the following code to the example above near the beginning:

# Gc.set {(Gc.get ()) with Gc.verbose = 0x01}

(We haven't seen the { expression with field = value } form before, but it should be mostly obvious what it does). The above code causes the GC to print a message at the start of every major collection.

Finalisation and the Weak Module

We can write a function called a finaliser which is called when an object is about to be freed by the GC.

The Weak module lets us create so-called weak pointers. A weak pointer is best defined by comparing it to a "normal pointer". When we have an ordinary OCaml object, we reference that object through a name (e.g., let name = ... in) or through another object. The garbage collector sees that we have a reference to that object and won't collect it. That's what you might call a "normal pointer." If, however, you hold a weak pointer or weak reference to an object, then you hint to the garbage collector that it may collect the object at any time. (Not necessarily that it will collect the object.) When you come to examine the object later, you can either turn your weak pointer into a normal pointer, or you can be informed that the GC did actually collect the object.

Finalisation and weak pointers can be used together to implement an in-memory object database cache.

Let's imagine that we have a very large number of large user records in a file on disk. This is far too much data to be loaded into memory all at once. Plus, other programs might access the data on the disk, so we need to lock individual records when we hold copies of them in memory.

The public interface to our "in-memory object database cache" is going to be just two functions:

type record = {mutable name : string; mutable address : string}
val get_record : int -> record
val sync_records : unit -> unit

The get_record call is the only call that most programs will need to make. It gets the nth record either out of the cache or from disk and returns it. The program can then read and/or update the and record.address fields. The program then just literally forgets about the record! Behind the scenes, finalisation is going to write the record back out to disk at some later point in time.

The sync_records function can also be called by user programs. This function synchronises the disk copy and in-memory copies of all records.

OCaml doesn't currently run finalisers at exit. However you can easily force it to by adding the following command to your code. This command causes a full major GC cycle on exit:

at_exit Gc.full_major

Our code is also going to implement a cache of recently accessed records using the Weak module. The advantage of using the Weak module rather than hand-rolling our own code is two-fold. Firstly, the garbage collector has a global view of memory requirements for the whole program, so it's in a better position to decide when to shrink the cache. Secondly, our code will be much simpler.

For our example, we're going to use a very simple format for the file of users' records. The file is just a list of user records, with each user record having a fixed size of 256 bytes. Each user record has just two fields (padded with spaces if necessary): the name field (64 bytes) and the address field (192 bytes). Before a record can be loaded into memory, the program must acquire an exclusive lock on the record. After the in-memory copy is written back out to the file, the program must release the lock. Here is some code to define the on-disk format and some low-level functions to read, write, lock, and unlock records:

(* In-memory format. *)
type record = { mutable name : string; mutable address : string }

(* On-disk format. *)
let record_size = 256
let name_size = 64
let addr_size = 192

(* Low-level load/save records to file. *)
let seek_record n fd = ignore (Unix.lseek fd (n * record_size) Unix.SEEK_SET)

let write_record record n fd =
  seek_record n fd;
  ignore (Unix.write fd (Bytes.of_string 0 name_size);
  ignore (Unix.write fd (Bytes.of_string record.address) 0 addr_size)

let read_record record n fd =
  seek_record n fd;
  ignore ( fd (Bytes.of_string 0 name_size);
  ignore ( fd (Bytes.of_string record.address) 0 addr_size)

(* Lock/unlock the nth record in a file. *)
let lock_record n fd =
  seek_record n fd;
  Unix.lockf fd Unix.F_LOCK record_size

let unlock_record n fd =
  seek_record n fd;
  Unix.lockf fd Unix.F_ULOCK record_size

We also need a function to create new, empty in-memory record objects:

(* Create a new, empty record. *)
let new_record () =
  { name = String.make name_size ' '; address = String.make addr_size ' ' }

Because this is a really simple program, we're going to fix the number of records in advance:

(* Total number of records. *)
let nr_records = 10000

(* On-disk file. *)
let diskfile = Unix.openfile "users.bin" [ Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_CREAT ] 0o666

Download users.bin.gz and decompress it before running the program.

Our cache of records is very simple:

(* Cache of records. *)
let cache = Weak.create nr_records

The get_record function is very short and basically composed of two halves. We grab the record from the cache. If the cache gives us None, then that either means that we haven't loaded this record from the cache yet, or it has been written out to disk (finalised) and dropped from the cache. If the cache gives us Some record, then we just return record (this promotes the weak pointer to the record to a normal pointer).

(* The finaliser function. *)
let finaliser n record =
  printf "*** objcache: finalising record %d\n%!" n;
  write_record record n diskfile;
  unlock_record n diskfile

(* Get a record from the cache or off disk. *)
let get_record n =
  match Weak.get cache n with
  | Some record ->
      printf "*** objcache: fetching record %d from memory cache\n%!" n;
  | None ->
      printf "*** objcache: loading record %d from disk\n%!" n;
      let record = new_record () in
      Gc.finalise (finaliser n) record;
      lock_record n diskfile;
      read_record record n diskfile;
      Weak.set cache n (Some record);

The sync_records function is even easier. First of all, it empties the cache by replacing all the weak pointers with None. This now means that the garbage collector can collect and finalise all of those records. But it doesn't necessarily mean that the GC will collect the records straightaway. In fact it's not likely that it will, so to force the GC to collect the records immediately, we also invoke a major cycle.

Finally, we have some test code. I won't reproduce the test code here, but you can download the complete program and test code and compile it with:

ocamlc unix.cma -o objcache


Here are some ways to extend the example above, in approximately increasing order of difficulty:

  1. Implement the record as an object, and allow it to transparently pad/unpad strings. You will need to provide methods to set and get the name and address fields (four public methods in all). Hide as much of the implementation (file access, locking) code in the class as possible.
  2. Extend the program so it acquires a read lock on getting the record, but upgrades this to a write lock just before the user updates any field.
  3. Support a variable number of records, and add a function to create a new record (in the file). [Tip: OCaml has support for weak hashtables.]
  4. Add support for variable-length records.
  5. Make the underlying file representation a DBM-style hash.
  6. Provide a general-purpose cache fronting a "users" table in your choice of relational database (with locking).

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