Preprocessors and PPXs

Preprocessors are programs meant to be called at compile time, so that they alter the program before the actual compilation. They can be very useful for several things, such as the inclusion of a file, conditional compilation, boilerplate generation, or extending the language.

To start with an example, here is how the following source code would be altered by this preprocessor:

Printf.printf "This program has been compiled by user: %s" [%get_env "USER"]

When you compile the code with the preprocessor, it will replace [%get_env "USER"] with the content of the USER environment variable. If the USER environment variable is set to "JohnDoe" for example, the line would become:

Printf.printf "This program has been compiled by user: %s" "JohnDoe"

With this modification, the preprocessor will replace [%get_env "USER"] with the content of the USER environment variable during compile time, and this code should work on most systems without any additional configuration. At compile time, the preprocessor would replace [%get_env "USER"] by a string with the content of the USER environment variable, which usually contains the username of the person compiling the program. This happens at compile time, so at runtime, the value of the USER variable would have no effect, as it's used purely for informational purposes in the compiled program.

In this guide, we explain the different mechanism behind preprocessors in OCaml, with as few prerequisite as possible. If you are only interested in how to use a PPX in your project, jump to this section or to the dune doc. If you are interested in writing a PPX, jump to this section.

Preprocessing in OCaml

Some languages have built-in support for preprocessing, in the sense that a small part of the language is dedicated to being executed at compile time. This is the case for instance of C, where the C preprocessor syntax and semantic is part of the language; and Rust with its macro system.

In OCaml, there is no macro system part of the language, all preprocessors are standalone programs. However, even though it is not part of the language, the OCaml Platform officially supports a library for writing such preprocessors.

OCaml supports the execution of two kinds of preprocessors: one that works on the source level (as in C), and the other that works on a more structured representation of the program (as in Rust's macro): the AST level. The latter is called "PPX," an acronym for Pre-Processor eXtension.

While both types of preprocessing have their use cases, in OCaml it is recommended to use PPXs whenever possible for several reasons:

  • They integrate very nicely with Merlin and Dune, and they won't interfere with features such as error reporting in an editor and Merlin's "jump to definition."
  • They are fast and compose well when adequately written.
  • They are especially adapted to OCaml.

This guide presents the state of the two kinds of preprocessors in OCaml, but with an emphasis on PPXs. Although the latter is the recommended way of writing preprocessors, we start with source preprocessing in order to better understand why PPXs are necessary in OCaml.

Source Preprocessors

As mentioned in the introduction, preprocessing the source file can be useful for things that can be solved by string manipulation, such as file inclusion, conditional compilation, or macro expansion. Any preprocessor can be used, such as the C Preprocessor or a general preprocessor such as m4. However, some preprocessors such as cppo have been made especially to integrate well with OCaml.

In OCaml, preprocessing text files do not have specific support from the language. Instead it is the build system's role to drive the preprocessing. So, applying preprocessors will boil down to telling Dune about it. Only for educational purposes, in the next section we show how to preprocess a file using OCaml's compiler, the more relevant part being Preprocessing with Dune.

Preprocessing With ocamlc and ocamlopt

OCaml's compiler ocamlc and ocamlopt offer the -pp option to preprocess a file in the compilation phase (but remember that you are encouraged to use Dune to drive the preprocessing). Consider the following simple preprocessor which replaces the string "World" by the string "Universe", here in the form of a shell script:

$ cat

sed 's/World/Universe/g' $1

Compiling a classic "Hello, World!" program with this option would alter the compilation:

$ cat
print_endline "Hello, World!";;

$ ocamlopt -pp ./
$ ./a.out
Hello, Universe!

Preprocessing With Dune

Dune's build system has a specific stanza to apply preprocessing to files. The full documentation can be found here, and should serve as a reference. In this section, we only give a few examples.

The stanza to apply preprocessing on the source file is (preprocess (action (<action>))). The <action> part can be any user-defined action, such as the call to an external program, as specified by (system <program>).

Putting it all together, the following dune file would rewrite the corresponding module files using our previously written

 (name hello)
   (run ./ %{input-file}))))

The Limits of Manipulating Text Files

The complexities of a programming language syntax makes it very hard to manipulate text in a way that is tied to the syntax. Suppose for instance that, similarly to the previous example, you want to rewrite all occurrences of "World" by "Universe," but inside the OCaml strings of the program only. It is quite involved and requires a good knowledge of the OCaml syntax to do so, as there are several delimiters for strings (such as {| ...|}) and line breaks, or comments could get in the way...

Consider another example. Suppose you have defined a type, and you want to generate a serializer at compile time from this specific type to an encoding of it in a json format, such as Yojson (see here for the reasons it has to be generated at compile-time). This serialization code could be written by a preprocessor, which would look for the type in the file and serialize it differently depending on the type structure; that is, whether it is a variants type, a record type, the structure of its subtypes...

All these difficulties come from the fact that we want to generate a program, but we are manipulating a flat representation of it as plain text. The lack of structure of this representation has several disadvantages:

  • It is difficult to read parts of the program, such as the type to generate a serialiser in the example above.
  • It is error-prone to write programs as plain text, as there is no guarantee that the generated code always respects the programming language's syntax. Such errors in code generation can be hard to debug!

Working with a much more structured representation of a program solves both the reading and writing issues. This is exactly what PPXs do!


PPxs are a different kind of preprocessor—one that does not run on the textual source code, but rather on the parsing result: the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), which in the OCaml compiler is called Parsetree. In order to understand PPXs well, we need to understand what this Parsetree is.

OCaml’s Parsetree: The OCaml AST

During the compilation phase, OCaml's compiler will parse the input file into an internal representation of it, called the Parsetree. The program is represented as a tree, with a complex OCaml type that you can find in the Parsetree module.

Let's look at a few properties of this tree:

  • Each node in the AST has a type corresponding to a different role, such as "let definitions," "expressions," "patterns," ...
  • The tree's root is a list of structure_items
  • A structure_item can either represent a toplevel expression, a type definition, a let definition, etc. This is determined using a variant type.

There are several complementary ways of getting a grasp on the Parsetree type. One is to read the API documentation, which includes examples of what each type and value represent. Another is to examine the Parsetree value of crafted OCaml code. This can be achieved using the external tool astexplorer, our OCaml VSCode extension (by opening OCaml: Open AST explorer in the command palette), or even directly with the OCaml toplevel using the option -dparsetree (also available in UTop).

$ ocaml -dparsetree
[Omitted output]
# let x = 1 + 2 ;;

    structure_item (//toplevel//[1,0+0]..[1,0+13])
      Pstr_value Nonrec
          pattern (//toplevel//[1,0+4]..[1,0+5])
            Ppat_var "x" (//toplevel//[1,0+4]..[1,0+5])
          expression (//toplevel//[1,0+8]..[1,0+13])
            expression (//toplevel//[1,0+10]..[1,0+11])
              Pexp_ident "+" (//toplevel//[1,0+10]..[1,0+11])
                expression (//toplevel//[1,0+8]..[1,0+9])
                  Pexp_constant PConst_int (1,None)
                expression (//toplevel//[1,0+12]..[1,0+13])
                  Pexp_constant PConst_int (2,None)

val x : int = 3

Note that the Parsetree is an internal representation of the code that happens before typing the program, so an ill-typed program can be rewritten. The internal representation after the typing is called the Typedtree. You can inspect it by using the -dtypedtree option of ocaml. When using utop-full, you can enable -dtypedtree within the REPL by running Clflags.dump_typedtree := true. In what follows, we will use AST to refer to the parsetree.

PPX Rewriters

At its core, a PPX rewriter is just a transformation that takes a Parsetree and returns a possibly modified Parsetree, but there are subtleties. First, PPXs work on the Parsetree, which is the result of OCaml's parsing, so the source file needs to have valid OCaml syntax. Thus, we cannot introduce custom syntax such as the #if from the C preprocessor. Instead, we will use two special syntaxes that were introduced in OCaml 4.02: Extension nodes and attributes.

Secondly, most of the PPX's code transformation do not need to be given the full AST; they can work locally in subparts of it. There are two kinds of such local restrictions to the general PPX rewriters that cover most of the usecases: extenders and derivers. They respectively correspond to the two new syntaxes of OCaml 4.02 just mentioned, extension nodes and attributes.

Attributes and Derivers

Attributes are additional information that can be attached to any AST node. That information can either be used by the compiler itself (e.g., to enable or disable warnings), add a "deprecated" warning, or force/check that a function is inlined. The full list of attributes that the compiler uses is available in the manual.

The attributes' syntax is to suffix the node with [@attribute_name payload], where payload is itself an OCaml AST. The number of @ determines to which node the attribute is attached: @ is for the closest node (expression, patterns, etc.), @@ is for the closest block (type declaration, class fields, etc.), and @@@ is a floating attribute. More information for the syntax can be found in the manual.

module X = struct
  [@@@warning "+9"]  (* locally enable warning 9 in this structure *)
[@@deprecated "Please use module 'Y' instead."]

The previous example uses attributes reserved for the compiler, but any attribute name can be put in a source code and used by a PPX for its preprocessing.

type int_pair = (int * int) [@@deriving yojson]

A specific kind of PPX is associated with attributes: derivers, a PPX that will generate (or derive) some code from a structure or signature item, such as a type definition. It is applied using the syntax above, where multiple derivers are separated by commas. Note that the generated code is added after the input code, which is left unmodified.

Derivers are great for generating functions that depend on the structure of a defined type (this was the example given in the limits of manipulating text files). Indeed, exactly the right amount of information is passed to the PPX, and we also know that the PPX won't modify any part of the source.

Example of derivers are:

Extension Nodes and Extenders

Extension nodes are "holes" in the Parsetree. They are accepted by the parser in lots of places, such as patterns, expressions, core types, or module types. To find out if a certain place admits an extension node, you can look at the Parsetree to see if the corresponding node has an extension constructor. However, extension nodes are rejected later by the compiler. As a result, they have to be rewritten by a PPX for the compilation to proceed.

The syntax for extension nodes is [%extension_name payload] where, again, the number of % determines the kind of extension node: % is for "inside nodes," such as expressions and patterns, and %% is for "toplevel nodes," such as structure/signature items or class fields. The payload is a structure node; that is, the parser accepts the same thing for an .ml file as the payload of an extension node. See the formal syntax.

(* An extension node as an expression *)
let v = [%html "<a href=''>OCaml!</a>"]

(* An extension node as a let-binding *)
[%%html let v = "<a href=''>OCaml!</a>"]

When the extension node and the payload are of the same type, a shorter infix syntax can be used. The syntax requires the extension node's name to be appended to a keyword defining a block (such as let, begin, module, val, ...) and is equivalent to the whole block being wrapped in the payload. A formal definition of the syntax can be found in the OCaml manual.

(* An equivalent syntax for [%%html let v = ...] *)
let%html v = "<a href=''>OCaml!</a>"

Note that there is a way to change the expected type of a payload. By adding a : after the extension name, the expected payload is now a signature node (that is, the same as what is accepted in .mli files). Similarly, a ? will turn the expected payload into a pattern node.

(* Two equivalent syntaxes, with signatures as payload *)
[%ext_name: val foo : unit]
val%ext_name foo : unit

(* An extension node with a pattern as payload *)
let [%ext_name? a :: _ ] = ()

Extension nodes are meant to be rewritten by a PPX and, in this regard, correspond to a specific kind of PPX: extenders. An extender is a PPX rewriter which will replace all occurrences of extension nodes with a matching name. It does this with some generated code that depends only on the payload, without information on the context of the extension node (that is, without access to the rest of the code) and without modifying anything else.

Examples of extenders include:

  • Extenders which allow users to write OCaml values representing another language directly in such language. For example: - ppx_yojson to generate Yojson values by writing JSON code - tyxml-ppx to generate Tyxml.Html values by writing HTML code - ppx_mysql to generate ocaml-mysql queries by writing MySQL queries
  • ppx_expect to generate CRAM tests from the extension node's payload.

Using PPXs

Similarly to preprocessors for the text source code, OCaml's compiler provides the -ppx option to run a PPX during the compilation phase. The PPX will read the Parsetree from a file, where the marshalled value has been dumped, and output the rewritten Parsetree the same way.

But again, since the tool responsible for driving the compilation is Dune, using PPXs is just a matter of writing dune files. The same preprocess stanza should be used, this time with pps:

  (preprocess (pps ppx1 ppx2))

And that's all you need to use PPXs! Although these instructions will work for most PPXs, note that the first source of information will be the package documentation, as some PPXs might need some special care to integrate with Dune.

Dropping PPXs Dependency With [@@deriving_inline]

Some derivers are only needed for boilerplate generation. When that's the case, there is no strong requirement for them to be included as a hard dependency: the added boilerplate code can be pretty printed and added to the source code by the PPX. This mechanism can be implemented using Dune and ppxlib.

Attaching [@@deriving_inline <deriver_name>] to an item will derive some code from the item just like the usual [@@deriving <deriver_name>] attribute. However, instead of appending the generated code after the attributed item, it will check that the generated code is already present after the attributed item. If yes, nothing has to be done. Otherwise, it will generate a correct file, and Dune will offer you the possibility of updating your source code using this correct file (using the dune promote command).

As the new file contains the generated code, it no longer needs to be preprocessed by the PPX, and can be compiled and distributed as is, and the PPX can be removed from the dependencies. However, the PPX still needs to be run whenever the item on which the attribute is attached change. This can be achieved by running the PPX on the @lint target. Let us see an example, with the following files:

$ cat dune
 (name library_name)
 (lint (pps ppx_yojson_conv)))
$ cat
type t = int [@@deriving_inline yojson]


Now, we run the PPX and promote the generated code in the original file:

$ opam exec -- dune build @lint
File "lib/", line 1, characters 0-0:
diff --git a/_build/default/lib/ b/_build/default/lib/
index 4999e06..5516d41 100644
--- a/_build/default/lib/
+++ b/_build/default/lib/
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
 type t = int [@@deriving_inline yojson]

+let _ = fun (_ : t) -> ()
+let t_of_yojson = (int_of_yojson : Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t -> t)
+let _ = t_of_yojson
+let yojson_of_t = (yojson_of_int : t -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t)
+let _ = yojson_of_t
Promoting _build/default/lib/ to lib/

The file now contains the generated value. While it is still a development dependency, the PPX dependency can be dropped for compiling the project:

$ cat
type t = int [@@deriving_inline yojson]
let _ = fun (_ : t) -> ()
let t_of_yojson = (int_of_yojson : Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t -> t)
let _ = t_of_yojson
let yojson_of_t = (yojson_of_int : t -> Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojson.Safe.t)
let _ = yojson_of_t

Note that, while it allows to drop a project's dependency both on ppxlib and on the used PPX, using deriving_inline comes with some drawbacks. It can increase the size (and readability) of the code base, and it relies on a printer from the AST back to source code, which can be unreliable. In any case, if the inlining fails, ppxlib will detect it via a roundtrip check by parsing the generated source code and checking that it corresponds with the generated AST. This way, the error is caught at compile-time.

Why PPXs Are Especially Useful in OCaml

Now that we know what a PPX is and have seen examples of it, let's see why it is particularly useful in OCaml.

For one, the types are lost at execution time. That means that the type's structure cannot be deconstructed at execution time to control the flow. This is why no general to_string : 'a -> string or print : 'a -> () function can exist in compiled binaries (in the toplevel, types are kept).

So any general function that depends on the type's structure must be written at compile time, when types are still available.

Secondly, one of the strong features of OCaml is its type system, which can be used to check the sanity of many things. An example of this is the Tyxml library, which uses the type system to ensure that the resulting HTML value satisfies most of the W3C standards. However, writing Tyxml values can be cumbersome compared to writing HTML syntax. Transforming HTML code into OCaml values at compile time allows users to keep both the type-checker on the produced value and the familiarity of writing HTML code.

Other rewriters, such as ppx_expect, show that being able to enrich the syntax via PPX rewriters is very useful, even outside of the specificity of OCaml.

The Need for Controlling the PPX Ecosystem: ppxlib

Although PPXs are great for generating code at compile time, they raise a few questions, especially in the presence of multiple PPX rewriters.

  • What is the semantics of the composition of multiple PPXs? The order might matter.
  • How can I trust that some part of my code is not modified when using third-party PPXs?
  • How can I keep compilation time short when using many rewriters?
  • How can I write a PPX easily if I have to deal with parsing or demarshalling an AST?
  • How can I deal with such a long and complex type as in Parsetree?
  • How can I solve the problem that new OCaml versions tend to add new features to the language and therefore need to enrich and break the Parsetree types?

Many of these questions stem from the fact that there is no macro language part of OCaml and that the preprocessors are always standalone programs. This means that they can do anything (while macros usually restrict the expressivity of the preprocessing), and the compiler has no control over them. However, the OCaml Platform includes a library to write PPXs, that somehow acts as a macro language without losing the full generality of PPXs: ppxlib. This library provides generic ways of writing extenders and derivers, ensuring that they will work well together, and removing the composition problem we had with multiple arbitrary transformations. ppxlib also provides a driver which outputs one single binary, even in the case of multiple transformations registered.

With ppxlib, PPX authors can concentrate on their own part: the rewriting logic. Then, they can register their transformation, and ppxlib will be responsible for the rest of the work that all PPXs have to do: getting the Parsetree, giving it back to the compiler, and creating an executable with a good CLI.

For those interested in the history of OCaml, note that before ppxlib, there were other "official" libraries to deal with PPXs. Camlp4 was a way to extend the OCaml parser with added constructions, rewrite it, and pretty-print it in regular OCaml syntax. OMP was a tool for making PPXs compatible across OCaml versions and is now included in ppxlib.

One PPX for Multiple OCaml Versions

One subtlety in writing a PPX is the fact that the types of the Parsetree module might change when a new feature is added to the language. To keep a PPX compatible with a new version, it would have to update the transformation from the old types to the new ones. But, by doing so, it would lose compatibility with the old OCaml version. Ideally, a single version of a PPX could preprocess different OCaml versions.

ppxlib deals with this issue by converting Parsetree types to and from the latest version. A PPX author then only needs to maintain their transformation for OCaml's latest version and get a PPX that works on any version of OCaml. For instance, when applying a PPX written for OCaml 5.0 during a compilation with OCaml 4.08, ppxlib would get the 4.08 Parsetree, transform it into a 5.00 Parsetree, use the registered PPX to transform the Parsetree, and convert it back to a 4.08 Parsetree to continue the compilation.

Restricting PPXs for Composition, Speed, and Security

ppxlib explicitly supports registering the restricted transformations that correspond to extenders and derivers. Writing those restricted PPXs has a lot of advantages:

  • Extenders and derivers won't modify your existing code, apart from the extension node. This is less error-prone, bugs have fewer critical effects, and a user can be confident that no sensible part of their code is changed.
  • As extenders and derivers are "context-free," in the sense that they run only with a limited part of the AST as input, they can all be run in a single pass of the AST. Moreover, they are not run "one after the other" but all at the same time, so their composition semantics do not depend on the order of execution.
  • This single pass also means faster rewriting and thus faster compilation time for the projects using multiple PPXs.

Compared to this, rewriters that work on the whole AST can also be registered in ppxlib, and they will be run in alphabetical order by their name, after the context-free pass.

Note that Dune combines all PPXs written using ppxlib in a single preprocessor binary, even if the PPXs come from different packages.

Writing a PPX

If you want to write your own PPX, the place to start is ppxlib's documentation.

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