package batteries

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t

Substring.t is the type of substrings of a basestring, an efficient representation of a piece of a string.

A substring (s,i,n) is valid if 0 <= i <= i+n <= size s, or equivalently, 0 <= i and 0 <= n and i+n <= size s.

A valid substring (s, i, n) represents the string si...i+n-1.

Invariant in the implementation: Any value of type Substring.t is valid.

val empty : unit -> t
val to_string : t -> string

string sus is the string si..i+n-1 represented by sus = (s, i, n).

val of_string : string -> t
val make : int -> char -> t
val create : int -> t
val equal : t -> t -> bool

Substring equality

  • since 2.1
val of_input : BatIO.input -> t
val substring : string -> int -> int -> t

substring s o l returns a substring with base-string s, offset o and length l. Arguments are checked for validity

substring s i n creates the substring (s, i, n), consisting of the substring of s with length n starting at i.

  • raises Inavlid_argument

    if i<0 or n<0 or i+n > size s. Equivalent to extract s i (Some n).

val unsafe_substring : string -> int -> int -> t

unsafe_substring behaves like substring, but does not perform any sanity check on the position and length.

val extract : string -> int -> int option -> t

extract s i None creates the substring (s, i, size s-i) consisting of the tail of s starting at i.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if i<0 or i > size s.

    extract s i (Some n) creates the substring (s, i, n), consisting of the substring of s with length n starting at i.

val all : string -> t

all s is the substring (s, 0, size s).

val base : t -> string * int * int

base sus is the concrete triple (s, i, n), where psus = (s, i, n).

val is_empty : t -> bool

is_empty (s, i, n) true if the substring is empty (that is, n = 0).

val getc : t -> (char * t) option

getc sus returns Some(c, rst) where c is the first character and rst the remainder of sus, if sus is non-empty; otherwise returns None.

val first : t -> char option

first sus returns Some c where c is the first character in sus, if sus is non-empty; otherwise returns None.

val triml : int -> t -> t

triml k sus returns sus less its leftmost k characters; or the empty string at the end of sus if it has less than k characters.

val trimr : int -> t -> t

trimr k sus returns sus less its rightmost k characters; or the empty string at the beginning of sus if it has less than k characters.

val get : t -> int -> char

get sus k returns the k'th character of the substring; that is, s(i+k) where sus = (s, i, n).

val size : t -> int

size (s, i, n) returns the size of the substring, that is, n.

val length : t -> int

Equivalent to size.

val slice : t -> int -> int option -> t

slice sus i' None returns the substring (s, i+i', n-i'), where sus = (s, i, n).

  • raises Invalid_argument

    if i' < 0 or i' > n.

    slice sus i' (Some n') returns the substring (s, i+i', n'), where sus = (s, i, n).

val concat : t list -> string

concat suss returns a string consisting of the concatenation of the substrings. Equivalent to String.concat ( to_string suss).

val explode : t -> char list

explode sus returns the list of characters of sus, that is, s(i), s(i+1), ..., s(i+n-1) where sus = (s, i, n). Equivalent to String.explode (to_string ss).

val is_prefix : string -> t -> bool

is_prefix s1 s2 is true if s1 is a prefix of s2. That is, if there exists a string t such that string s1 ^ t = to_string s2.

val compare : t -> t -> int

compare sus1 sus2 performs lexicographic comparison, using the standard ordering on the characters.p Equivalent to, but more efficient than, (to_string sus1) (to_string sus2).

val index : t -> char -> int

index sus c returns the index of the first occurrence of c in sus or

val index_from : t -> int -> char -> int

index_from sus i c returns the index of the first occurrence of c in sus after the index i.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    If i is beyond the range of sus.

    It is equivalent to i + index (triml i sus) c.

val rindex : t -> char -> int

rindex sus c returns the index of the last occurrence of c in sus or

val rindex_from : t -> int -> char -> int

index_from sus i c returns the index of the last occurrence of c in sus before the index i.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    If i is beyond the range of sus.

    It is equivalent to rindex (trimr i sus) c.

val contains : t -> char -> bool

contains s c tests if character c appears in the substring s.

  • since 2.1
val dropl : (char -> bool) -> t -> t

dropl p sus drops the longest prefix (left substring) of sus all of whose characters satisfy predicate p. If all characters do, it returns the empty substring (s, i+n, 0) where sus = (s, i, n).

val dropr : (char -> bool) -> t -> t

dropr p sus drops the longest suffix (right substring) of sus all of whose characters satisfy predicate p. If all characters do, it returns the empty substring (s, i, 0) where sus = (s, i, n).

val takel : (char -> bool) -> t -> t

takel p sus returns the longest prefix (left substring) of sus all of whose characters satisfy predicate p. That is, if the left-most character does not satisfy p, returns the empty (s, i, 0) where sus = (s, i, n).

val taker : (char -> bool) -> t -> t

taker p sus returns the longest suffix (right substring) of sus all of whose characters satisfy predicate p. That is, if the right-most character satisfies p, returns the empty (s, i+n, 0) where sus = (s, i, n).

Let p be a predicate and xxxxfyyyyfzzzz a string where all characters in xxxx and zzzz satisfy p, and f a character not satisfying p. Then

sus = xxxxfyyyyfzzzz sus = xxxxzzzz ------------------------------------------------------ dropl p sus = fyyyyfzzzz dropr p sus = xxxxfyyyyf takel p sus = xxxx xxxxzzzz taker p sus = zzzz xxxxzzzz

It also holds that concat (takel p sus) (dropl p sus) = string sus concat (dropr p sus) (taker p sus) = string sus

val splitl : (char -> bool) -> t -> t * t

splitl p sus splits sus into a pair (sus1, sus2) of substrings where sus1 is the longest prefix (left substring) all of whose characters satisfy p, and sus2 is the rest. That is, sus2 begins with the leftmost character not satisfying p. Disregarding sideeffects, we have: splitl p sus = (takel p sus, dropl p sus).

val splitr : (char -> bool) -> t -> t * t

splitr p sus splits sus into a pair (sus1, sus2) of substrings where sus2 is the longest suffix (right substring) all of whose characters satisfy p, and sus1 is the rest. That is, sus1 ends with the rightmost character not satisfying p. Disregarding sideeffects, we have: splitr p sus = (dropr p sus, taker p sus)

val split_at : int -> t -> t * t

split_at sus k returns the pair (sus1, sus2) of substrings, where sus1 contains the first k characters of sus, and sus2 contains the rest.

val span : t -> t -> t

span sus1 sus2 returns a substring spanning from the start of sus1 to the end of sus2, provided this is well-defined: sus1 and sus2 must have the same underlying string, and the start of sus1 must not be to the right of the end of sus2; otherwise

  • raises Invalid_argument.

    More precisely, if base sus1 = (s,i,n) and base sus2 = (s',i',n') and s = s' and i <= i'+n', then base (span sus1 sus2) = (s, i, i'+n'-i). This may be used to compute span, union, and intersection.

val translate : (char -> char) -> t -> string

translate f sus applies f to every character of sus, from left to right, and returns the concatenation of the results. Equivalent to String.of_list ( f (explode sus)).

val tokens : (char -> bool) -> t -> t list

tokens p sus returns the list of tokens in sus, from left to right, where a token is a non-empty maximal substring of sus not containing any delimiter, and a delimiter is a character satisfying p.

val fields : (char -> bool) -> t -> t list

fields p sus returns the list of fields in sus, from left to right, where a field is a (possibly empty) maximal substring of sus not containing any delimiter, and a delimiter is a character satisfying p.

Two tokens may be separated by more than one delimiter, whereas two fields are separated by exactly one delimiter. If the only delimiter is the character '|', then "abc||def" contains two tokens: "abc" and "def" "abc||def" contains three fields: "abc" and "" and "def"

val fold_left : ('a -> char -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a

fold_left f e sus folds f over sus from left to right. That is, evaluates f s.[i+n-1] (f ... (f s.[i+1] (f s.[i] e)) ...) tail-recursively, where sus = (s, i, n). Equivalent to List.fold_left f e (explode sus).

val fold_lefti : ('a -> int -> char -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a

As fold_left, but with the index of the element as additional argument

  • since 2.3.0
val fold_right : (char -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

fold_right f e sus folds f over sus from right to left. That is, evaluates f s.[i] (f s.[i+1] (f ... (f s.[i+n-1] e) ...)) tail-recursively, where sus = (s, i, n). Equivalent to List.fold_right f e (explode sus).

val fold_righti : (int -> char -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a

As fold_right, but with the index of the element as additional argument

  • since 2.3.0
val iter : (char -> unit) -> t -> unit

iter f sus applies f to all characters of sus, from left to right. Equivalent to List.iter f (explode sus).

val iteri : (int -> char -> unit) -> t -> unit

Same as iter, but the function is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0), and the character itself as second argument.

  • since 2.1
val trim : t -> t

removes whitespace from left and right ends of input

val split_on_char : char -> t -> t list

split_on_char c ss returns substrings of input ss as divided by c

val split_on_pipe : t -> t list
val split_on_dot : t -> t list
val split_on_comma : t -> t list
val split_on_slash : t -> t list
val enum : t -> char BatEnum.t

enum ss returns an enumeration of the characters represented by ss. It does no copying so beweare of mutating the original string.

  • since 2.1
val print : 'a BatIO.output -> t -> unit

print oc ss prints ss to the output channel oc

val append_to_buffer : BatBuffer.t -> t -> unit

append_to_buffer buff ss appends the sub string ss to buffer b.


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