package batteries

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module contains various standard options.

Flag options

val store_const : ?default:'a -> 'a -> 'a Opt.t

store_const ?default const returns a flag option which stores the constant value const when the option is encountered on the command line.

val store_true : unit -> bool Opt.t

store_true () returns an option which is set to true when it is encountered on the command line. The default value is false.

val store_false : unit -> bool Opt.t

store_false () returns an option which is set to false when it is encountered on the command line. The default value is true.

val count_option : ?dest:int ref -> ?increment:int -> unit -> int Opt.t

Create a counting option which increments its value each time the option is encountered on the command line.

  • parameter increment

    Increment to add to the option value each time the option is encountered.

  • parameter dest

    Reference to the option value. Useful for making options like '--quiet' and '--verbose' sharing a single value.

  • returns

    the newly created option.

val incr_option : ?dest:int ref -> unit -> int Opt.t

Exactly identical to count_option ~dest:dest ~increment:1 ().

val decr_option : ?dest:int ref -> unit -> int Opt.t

Exactly identical to count_option ~dest:dest ~increment:(-1) ().

Value options

val int_option : ?default:int -> ?metavar:string -> unit -> int Opt.t

int_option ?default ?metavar () returns an option which takes a single integer argument. If ~default is given it is the default value returned when the option has not been encountered on the command line.

val float_option : ?default:float -> ?metavar:string -> unit -> float Opt.t

See OptParse.StdOpt.int_option.

val str_option : ?default:string -> ?metavar:string -> unit -> string Opt.t

See OptParse.StdOpt.int_option.

val any_option : ?default:'a option -> ?metavar:string -> (string -> 'a) -> 'a Opt.t

any_option ?default ?metavar coerce returns an option which takes a single argument from the command line and calls coerce to coerce it to the proper type.

default is the default value of the option. If None, the option has no default value.

Callback options

val int_callback : ?metavar:string -> (int -> unit) -> unit Opt.t

int_callback ?metavar f returns an option which takes a single integer argument and calls f with that argument when encountered on the command line.

val float_callback : ?metavar:string -> (float -> unit) -> unit Opt.t

See OptParse.StdOpt.int_callback.

val str_callback : ?metavar:string -> (string -> unit) -> unit Opt.t

See OptParse.StdOpt.int_callback.

Special options

val help_option : unit -> 'a Opt.t

help_option () returns the standard help option which displays a usage message and exits the program when encountered on the command line.

val version_option : (unit -> string) -> 'a Opt.t

version_option f returns the standard version option which displays the string returned by f () (and nothing else) on standard output and exits.


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