package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of Tezt.Test
val declare_reset_function : (unit -> unit) -> unit
val declare_clean_up_function : (Tezt_core.Log.test_result -> unit) -> unit
val fail : ?__LOC__:string -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, 'b) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
type seed = Tezt_core__Test.seed =
  1. | Fixed of int
  2. | Random
val current_worker_id : unit -> int option
val current_test_file : unit -> string
val current_test_title : unit -> string
val current_test_tags : unit -> string list
val current_test_has_tag : string -> bool
val current_test_seed : unit -> int
val before_test_run : (unit -> unit) -> unit
type used_seed = Tezt_core__Test.used_seed =
  1. | Used_fixed
  2. | Used_random of int
type test_result = Tezt_core__Test.test_result = {
  1. test_result : Tezt_core.Log.test_result;
  2. seed : used_seed;
module type SCHEDULER = sig ... end
val run_with_scheduler : (module SCHEDULER) -> unit
type t = Tezt_core__Test.t
val get_test_by_title : string -> t option
val run_one : sleep:(float -> unit Lwt.t) -> clean_up:(unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> temp_start:(unit -> string) -> temp_stop:(unit -> unit) -> temp_clean_up:(unit -> unit) -> t -> test_result Lwt.t
module String_tree : sig ... end
val run : unit -> unit
val register : __FILE__:string -> title:string -> tags:string list -> ?uses:Uses.t list -> ?uses_node:bool -> ?uses_client:bool -> ?uses_admin_client:bool -> ?seed:seed -> (unit -> unit Lwt.t) -> unit

Wrapper over Tezt.Test.register that checks test dependencies (?uses).


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