package octez-libs

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val default_net_timeout : Ptime.Span.t Stdlib.ref

default_net_timeout is the default timeout used by functions in this library which admit a timeout value, i.e. read_bytes_with_timeout, Socket.connect, Socket.recv.

val read_bytes_with_timeout : ?timeout:Ptime.Span.t -> ?file_offset:int -> ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Lwt_unix.file_descr -> bytes -> unit Lwt.t

read_bytes_with_timeout ?timeout ?file_offset ?pos ?len fd buf reads len-pos bytes from fd into bytes. If file_offset is given, Lwt_unix.pread will be used instead of

  • raises Lwt_unix.Timeout

    if the operation failed to finish within a timeout time span.

val read_bytes : ?file_offset:int -> ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Lwt_unix.file_descr -> bytes -> unit Lwt.t

read_bytes ?file_offset ?pos ?len fd buf reads len-pos bytes from fd into bytes. If file_offset is given, Lwt_unix.pread will be used instead of

val write_string : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Lwt_unix.file_descr -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val write_bytes : ?file_offset:int -> ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> Lwt_unix.file_descr -> Stdlib.Bytes.t -> unit Lwt.t

write_bytes ?file_offset ?pos ?len fd buf writes len-pos bytes from bytes to fd. If file_offset is given, Lwt_unix.pwrite will be used instead of Lwt_unix.write.

  • raises Lwt_unix.Timeout

    if the operation failed to finish within a timeout time span.

val is_directory : string -> bool Lwt.t

is_directory path tests if the given path (or the target of the symbolic link located at path) refers to a directory (file kind is S_DIR).

val dir_exists : string -> bool Lwt.t

dir_exists tests if the given path (or the target of the symbolic link located at path) is an existing directory. false is returned either if the target does not exist or if it is not a directory.

val remove_dir : string -> unit Lwt.t
val create_dir : ?perm:int -> string -> unit Lwt.t

create_dir ?perm dir creates the directory at the path dir and its parents recursively if they doesn't exist

val copy_dir : ?perm:int -> string -> string -> unit Lwt.t

copy_dir ?perm src dst copies the content of directory src in a fresh directory dst created with perm (0o755 by default).

  • raises Unix_error(ENOTDIR,_,_)

    if the given file is not a directory.

val read_file : string -> string Lwt.t
val copy_file : src:string -> dst:string -> unit Lwt.t
val create_file : ?close_on_exec:bool -> ?perm:int -> string -> string -> unit Lwt.t
val with_tempdir : string -> (string -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a Lwt.t
val safe_close : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> unit Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult Lwt.t
val getaddrinfo : passive:bool -> node:string -> service:string -> (Ipaddr.V6.t * int) list Lwt.t
val getpass : unit -> string

getpass () reads a password from stdio while setting-up the terminal to not display the password being typed.

module Json : sig ... end
val retry : ?log:('error -> unit Lwt.t) -> ?n:int -> ?sleep:float -> (unit -> ('a, 'error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t) -> ('a, 'error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
type 'action io_error = {
  1. action : 'action;

    action which triggerred the error.

  2. unix_code : Unix.error;

    Unix code error.

  3. caller : string;

    Unix function which triggerred the error.

  4. arg : string;

    Argument given to the unix function: generally a path.


with_io_error aims to be used as the error type for the with_* functions below. The action type is the action which trigerred the error.

type Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.error +=
  1. | Io_error of [ `Close | `Open | `Rename | `Unlink | `Lock ] io_error
val tzfail_of_io_error : [ `Close | `Open | `Rename | `Unlink | `Lock ] io_error -> 'b Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.tzresult
val with_open_file : flags:Unix.open_flag list -> ?perm:Unix.file_perm -> string -> (Lwt_unix.file_descr -> 'a Lwt.t) -> ('a, [> `Open | `Close ] io_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

with_open_file ~flags ~perm filename f opens the given file using Lwt_unix.open_file and passes the resulting file-descriptor to f. with_open_file ensures that the file-descriptor is closed when the promise returned by f resolves, or if f raises an exception.

See Lwt_unix.openfile for a description of the arguments, warnings, and other notes. Default values for perm is 0o640.

Exceptions raised whilst opening or closing the file are wrapped in Error. When the error is `Open, the file could not be opened, and therefore the function f has not been run. When the error is `Closed, the function f was run but the file could not be closed.

Other exceptions are reraised.

val with_open_out : ?overwrite:bool -> string -> (Lwt_unix.file_descr -> 'a Lwt.t) -> ('a, [> `Open | `Close ] io_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

with_open_out ?overwrite filename f uses with_open_file with the flags O_WRONLY; O_CREAT; O_CLOEXEC and the default permissions. The flag O_TRUNC is added if overwrite is true, which is the case by default.

val with_atomic_open_out : ?overwrite:bool -> string -> ?temp_dir:string -> (Lwt_unix.file_descr -> 'a Lwt.t) -> ('a, [> `Open | `Close | `Rename ] io_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

with_atomic_open_out ?(overwrite=true) filename ?temp_dir f is a wrapper around with_open_out that ensures that the data are written onto filename in an atomic way.

This function uses a temporary file stored in the temp_dir directory. Then, this temporary filed is renamed as filename.

The renaming may fail, for example if the temporary file is not on the same partition as filename.

If the renaming fails, an error `Rename is returned. See with_open_file for a description of the other errors. In that case, no write have been done on filename.

The default value of temp_dir is the same as Filename.temp_file.

val with_open_in : string -> (Lwt_unix.file_descr -> 'a Lwt.t) -> ('a, [> `Open | `Close ] io_error) Stdlib.result Lwt.t

with_open_in filename f uses with_open_file with the flags O_RDONLY; O_CLOEXEC and the default permissions.


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