package monads

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module T : Core_kernel.T
module M : Monad


include Trans.S with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t with type 'a m := 'a T1(T)(M).m with type 'a e := 'a T1(T)(M).e
val global : id

the identifier of the global (initial) state.

val fork : unit -> unit T1(T)(M).t

fork () forks the current state.

val switch : id -> unit T1(T)(M).t

switch id switches to the state with the given id if such state is alive, otherwise switches to the closest alive ancestor of the state with the given id

val parent : unit -> id T1(T)(M).t

parent () returns an identifier of the closest alive parent.

val ancestor : id list -> id T1(T)(M).t

ancestor ids returns an identifier of the closest common ancestor of states with the given identifiers.

val current : unit -> id T1(T)(M).t

current id returns an identifier of current state.

val kill : id -> unit T1(T)(M).t

kill id kills a state with the specified id. If id corresponds to the current state, then switches to the closest ancestor. If id = global then do nothing.

forks xs returns a sequence of all alive states

val status : id -> status T1(T)(M).t

status id returns a status of a state with the given id

include S with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t and type 'a e := 'a T1(T)(M).e and type 'a m := 'a T1(T)(M).m with type env := T.t
include Trans.S with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t with type 'a e := 'a T1(T)(M).e with type 'a m := 'a T1(T)(M).m
val lift : 'a T1(T)(M).m -> 'a T1(T)(M).t

lifts inner monad into the resulting monad

val run : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'a T1(T)(M).e

runs the computation

include Monad with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t
val void : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> unit T1(T)(M).t

void m computes m and discrards the result.

val sequence : unit T1(T)(M).t list -> unit T1(T)(M).t

sequence xs computes a sequence of computations xs in the left to right order.

val forever : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'b T1(T)(M).t

forever xs creates a computationt that never returns.

module Fn : sig ... end

Various function combinators lifted into the Kleisli category.

module Pair : sig ... end

The pair interface lifted into the monad.

module Triple : sig ... end

The triple interface lifted into a monad.

module Lift : sig ... end

Lifts functions into the monad.

module Exn : sig ... end

Interacting between monads and language exceptions

module Collection : sig ... end

Lifts collection interface into the monad.

module List : Collection.S with type 'a t := 'a list

The Monad.Collection.S interface for lists

module Seq : Collection.S with type 'a t := 'a Core_kernel.Sequence.t

The Monad.Collection.S interface for sequences

include Syntax.S with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t
val (>=>) : ('a -> 'b T1(T)(M).t) -> ('b -> 'c T1(T)(M).t) -> 'a -> 'c T1(T)(M).t

f >=> g is fun x -> f x >>= g

val (!!) : 'a -> 'a T1(T)(M).t

!!x is return x

val (!$) : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'b T1(T)(M).t

!$f is Lift.unary f

val (!$$) : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'b T1(T)(M).t -> 'c T1(T)(M).t

!$$f is Lift.binary f

val (!$$$) : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd) -> 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'b T1(T)(M).t -> 'c T1(T)(M).t -> 'd T1(T)(M).t

!$$$f is Lift.ternary f

val (!$$$$) : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e) -> 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'b T1(T)(M).t -> 'c T1(T)(M).t -> 'd T1(T)(M).t -> 'e T1(T)(M).t

!$$$$f is Lift.quaternary f

val (!$$$$$) : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f) -> 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'b T1(T)(M).t -> 'c T1(T)(M).t -> 'd T1(T)(M).t -> 'e T1(T)(M).t -> 'f T1(T)(M).t

!$$$$$f is Lift.quinary f

include Syntax.Let.S with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t
val let* : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> ('a -> 'b T1(T)(M).t) -> 'b T1(T)(M).t

let* r = f x in b is f x >>= fun r -> b

val and* : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'b T1(T)(M).t -> ('a * 'b) T1(T)(M).t

monoidal product

val let+ : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b T1(T)(M).t

let+ r = f x in b is f x >>| fun r -> b

val and+ : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> 'b T1(T)(M).t -> ('a * 'b) T1(T)(M).t

monoidal product

include Core_kernel.Monad.S with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t
val (>>=) : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> ('a -> 'b T1(T)(M).t) -> 'b T1(T)(M).t
val (>>|) : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b T1(T)(M).t
module Monad_infix : sig ... end
val bind : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> f:('a -> 'b T1(T)(M).t) -> 'b T1(T)(M).t
val return : 'a -> 'a T1(T)(M).t
val map : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b T1(T)(M).t
val join : 'a T1(T)(M).t T1(T)(M).t -> 'a T1(T)(M).t
val ignore_m : 'a T1(T)(M).t -> unit T1(T)(M).t
val all : 'a T1(T)(M).t list -> 'a list T1(T)(M).t
val all_unit : unit T1(T)(M).t list -> unit T1(T)(M).t
module Let_syntax : sig ... end
module Let : Syntax.Let.S with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t

Monadic operators, see Monad.Syntax.S for more.

module Syntax : Syntax.S with type 'a t := 'a T1(T)(M).t

Monadic operators, see Monad.Syntax.S for more.

val put : T.t -> unit T1(T)(M).t

put s changes the current state to s

val get : unit -> T.t T1(T)(M).t

get s gets the current state

val gets : (T.t -> 'r) -> 'r T1(T)(M).t

gets p projects the current state with the function p

val update : (T.t -> T.t) -> unit T1(T)(M).t

update f updates the current state with the function f


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