package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Client-side service registration.

The interface is meant to be compatible with server-side <<a_api subproject="server" | module Eliom_registration >>.

See <<a_manual chapter="clientserver-services"|the manual chapter on client-side services>> for details.

type 'a kind
type browser_content = [
  1. | `Browser
type 'a application_content = [
  1. | `Appl of 'a
module Html : Eliom_registration_sigs.S with type page = Html_types.html Eliom_content.Html.elt and type options = unit and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = browser_content kind
module Action : Eliom_registration_sigs.S with type page = unit and type options = [ `Reload | `NoReload ] and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = browser_content kind
module Unit : Eliom_registration_sigs.S with type page = unit and type options = unit and type return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type result = browser_content kind
type appl_service_options = {
  1. do_not_launch : bool;

Has no effect on client; for compatibility with server

module App (_ : Eliom_registration_sigs.APP_PARAM) : sig ... end
type _ redirection =
  1. | Redirection : (unit, unit, Eliom_service.get, _, _, _, _, [ `WithoutSuffix ], unit, unit, 'a) Eliom_service.t -> 'a redirection
module Redirection : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_poly_with_send with type 'a page = Eliom_service.non_ocaml redirection and type options = [ `MovedPermanently | `Found | `SeeOther | `NotNodifed | `UseProxy | `TemporaryRedirect ] and type 'a return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type 'a result = browser_content kind
module Any : Eliom_registration_sigs.S_poly_with_send with type 'a page = 'a kind and type options = unit and type 'a return = Eliom_service.non_ocaml and type 'a result = 'a kind
val appl_self_redirect : ('page -> [< 'a application_content | browser_content ] kind Lwt.t) -> 'page -> 'appl application_content kind Lwt.t

For compatibility with server-side appl_self_redirect


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