package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Eliom_common_base end
exception Eliom_site_information_not_available of string
type scope_hierarchy = Eliom_common_base.scope_hierarchy =
  1. | User_hier of string
  2. | Default_ref_hier
  3. | Default_comet_hier
type user_scope = [
  1. | `Session_group of scope_hierarchy
  2. | `Session of scope_hierarchy
  3. | `Client_process of scope_hierarchy
type scope = [
  1. | `Site
  2. | user_scope
type all_scope = [
  1. | scope
  2. | `Global
  3. | `Request
type global_scope = [
  1. | `Global
type site_scope = [
  1. | `Site
type session_group_scope = [
  1. | `Session_group of scope_hierarchy
type session_scope = [
  1. | `Session of scope_hierarchy
type client_process_scope = [
  1. | `Client_process of scope_hierarchy
type request_scope = [
  1. | `Request
type user_level = [
  1. | `Session_group
  2. | `Session
  3. | `Client_process
val level_of_user_scope : [< `Client_process of scope_hierarchy & 'a | `Session of scope_hierarchy & 'b | `Session_group of scope_hierarchy & 'c ] -> [> user_level ]
val scope_hierarchy_of_user_scope : [< user_scope ] -> scope_hierarchy
type full_state_name = Eliom_common_base.full_state_name = {
  1. user_scope : user_scope;
  2. secure : bool;
  3. site_dir_str : string;
module Full_state_name_table = Eliom_common_base.Full_state_name_table
type att_key_serv = Eliom_common_base.att_key_serv =
  1. | SAtt_no
  2. | SAtt_named of string
  3. | SAtt_anon of string
  4. | SAtt_csrf_safe of int * user_scope * bool option
  5. | SAtt_na_named of string
  6. | SAtt_na_anon of string
  7. | SAtt_na_csrf_safe of int * user_scope * bool option
type na_key_serv = Eliom_common_base.na_key_serv =
  1. | SNa_no
  2. | SNa_void_keep
  3. | SNa_void_dontkeep
  4. | SNa_get_ of string
  5. | SNa_post_ of string
  6. | SNa_get' of string
  7. | SNa_post' of string
  8. | SNa_get_csrf_safe of int * user_scope * bool option
  9. | SNa_post_csrf_safe of int * user_scope * bool option
type att_key_req = Eliom_common_base.att_key_req =
  1. | RAtt_no
  2. | RAtt_named of string
  3. | RAtt_anon of string
type na_key_req = Eliom_common_base.na_key_req =
  1. | RNa_no
  2. | RNa_get_ of string
  3. | RNa_post_ of string
  4. | RNa_get' of string
  5. | RNa_post' of string
val att_key_serv_of_req : att_key_req -> att_key_serv
val na_key_serv_of_req : na_key_req -> na_key_serv
val defaultpagename : string
val eliom_suffix_name : string
val eliom_suffix_internal_name : string
val eliom_nosuffix_page : string
val naservice_num : string
val naservice_name : string
val get_state_param_name : string
val post_state_param_name : string
val get_numstate_param_name : string
val post_numstate_param_name : string
val co_param_prefix : string
val na_co_param_prefix : string
val nl_param_prefix : string
val pnl_param_prefix : string
val npnl_param_prefix : string
val eliom_internal_nlp_prefix : string
val tab_cookies_param_name : string
val to_be_considered_as_get_param_name : string
val appl_name_header_name : string
val full_xhr_redir_header : string
val half_xhr_redir_header : string
val response_url_header : string
val set_tab_cookies_header_name : string
val tab_cookies_header_name : string
val tab_cpi_header_name : string
val expecting_process_page_name : string
val base_elt_id : string
val nl_is_persistent : string -> bool
type client_process_info = Eliom_common_base.client_process_info = {
  1. cpi_ssl : bool;
  2. cpi_hostname : string;
  3. cpi_server_port : int;
  4. cpi_original_full_path : Eliom_lib.Url.path;
type sess_info = Eliom_common_base.sess_info = {
  1. si_other_get_params : (string * string) list;
  2. si_all_get_params : (string * string) list;
  3. si_all_post_params : (string * string) list option;
  4. si_all_file_params : (string * Eliom_lib.file_info) list option;
  5. si_service_session_cookies : string Full_state_name_table.t;
  6. si_data_session_cookies : string Full_state_name_table.t;
  7. si_persistent_session_cookies : string Full_state_name_table.t;
  8. si_service_session_cookies_tab : string Full_state_name_table.t;
  9. si_data_session_cookies_tab : string Full_state_name_table.t;
  10. si_persistent_session_cookies_tab : string Full_state_name_table.t;
  11. si_tab_cookies : string Ocsigen_cookie_map.Map_inner.t;
  12. si_nonatt_info : na_key_req;
  13. si_state_info : att_key_req * att_key_req;
  14. si_previous_extension_error : int;
  15. si_na_get_params : (string * string) list Stdlib.Lazy.t;
  16. si_nl_get_params : (string * string) list Eliom_lib.String.Table.t;
  17. si_nl_post_params : (string * string) list Eliom_lib.String.Table.t;
  18. si_nl_file_params : (string * Eliom_lib.file_info) list Eliom_lib.String.Table.t;
  19. si_persistent_nl_get_params : (string * string) list Eliom_lib.String.Table.t Stdlib.Lazy.t;
  20. si_all_get_but_na_nl : (string * string) list Stdlib.Lazy.t;
  21. si_all_get_but_nl : (string * string) list;
  22. si_ignored_get_params : (string * string) list;
  23. si_ignored_post_params : (string * string) list;
  24. si_client_process_info : client_process_info option;
  25. si_expect_process_data : bool Stdlib.Lazy.t;
type eliom_js_page_data = Eliom_common_base.eliom_js_page_data = {
  1. ejs_global_data : (Eliom_runtime.global_data * Eliom_wrap.unwrapper) option;
  2. ejs_request_data : Eliom_runtime.request_data;
  3. ejs_event_handler_table : Eliom_runtime.RawXML.event_handler_table;
  4. ejs_client_attrib_table : Eliom_runtime.RawXML.client_attrib_table;
  5. ejs_sess_info : sess_info;
val tyxml_unwrap_id_int : int
val comet_channel_unwrap_id_int : int
val react_up_unwrap_id_int : int
val react_down_unwrap_id_int : int
val signal_down_unwrap_id_int : int
val bus_unwrap_id_int : int
val client_value_unwrap_id_int : int
val global_data_unwrap_id_int : int
val server_function_unwrap_id_int : int
type node_ref = string
val nl_get_appl_parameter : string
val make_actual_path : string list -> string list
val is_client_app : bool Stdlib.ref
val prefixlength : int
val prefixlengthminusone : int
val split_nl_prefix_param : (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list Eliom_lib.String.Table.t * (string * 'a) list
val split_prefix_param : string -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list * (string * 'a) list
val remove_prefixed_param : string -> (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list
val remove_na_prefix_params : (string * 'a) list -> (string * 'a) list
val filter_na_get_params : (string * string) list -> (string * string) list
exception Eliom_404
type ('a, 'b) foundornot = ('a, 'b) Eliom_common_base.foundornot =
  1. | Found of 'a
  2. | Notfound of 'b

Service called with wrong parameter names

exception Eliom_Wrong_parameter
exception Eliom_duplicate_registration of string
exception Eliom_page_erasing of string
type 'a dircontent = 'a Eliom_common_base.dircontent =
  1. | Vide
  2. | Table of 'a direlt Stdlib.ref Eliom_lib.String.Table.t
and 'a direlt = 'a Eliom_common_base.direlt =
  1. | Dir of 'a dircontent Stdlib.ref
  2. | File of 'a Stdlib.ref
val empty_dircontent : unit -> 'a dircontent
type meth = [
  1. | `Get
  2. | `Post
  3. | `Put
  4. | `Delete
  5. | `Other
type page_table_key = Eliom_common_base.page_table_key = {
  1. key_state : att_key_serv * att_key_serv;
  2. key_meth : meth;
type anon_params_type = int
exception Eliom_Typing_Error of (string * exn) list
type ('params, 'result) service = ('params, 'result) Eliom_common_base.service = {
  1. s_id : anon_params_type * anon_params_type;
  2. mutable s_max_use : int option;
  3. s_expire : (float * float Stdlib.ref) option;
  4. s_f : bool -> 'params -> 'result Lwt.t;
type 'a to_and_of = 'a Eliom_common_base.to_and_of = {
  1. of_string : string -> 'a;
  2. to_string : 'a -> string;
val backtrace_lwt : int -> string list
type server_params = unit
val get_sp : unit -> unit
val get_sp_option : unit -> unit option
type 'a wrapper = unit
val make_wrapper : 'b -> 'a wrapper
val empty_wrapper : unit -> 'a wrapper
type unwrap_id = Eliom_unwrap.unwrap_id
val react_up_unwrap_id : unwrap_id
val react_down_unwrap_id : unwrap_id
val signal_down_unwrap_id : unwrap_id
val comet_channel_unwrap_id : unwrap_id
val bus_unwrap_id : unwrap_id
val sitedata : Eliom_types.sitedata option Stdlib.ref
val global_register_allowed : unit -> (unit -> Eliom_types.sitedata) option
val get_site_dir_string : Eliom_types.sitedata -> string
val add_unregistered : 'a -> 'b -> unit
module To_and_of_shared : sig ... end
val client_html_file : unit -> string
val set_client_html_file : string -> unit
val defer : (unit -> 'a option) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b option Stdlib.ref

Innovation. Community. Security.