package diffast-misc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val open_temp_file : string -> string * out_channel
type kind =
  1. | K_DUMMY
  2. | K_FS
  3. | K_GIT of string
  4. | K_UNKNOWN
val kind_fs : kind
val kind_git : string -> kind
val kind_dummy : kind
val kind_unknown : kind
val kind_to_string : kind -> string
val kind_is_fs : kind -> bool
val kind_is_git : kind -> bool
class type entry_t = object ... end
val scan_dir : ?recursive:bool -> entry_t -> (entry_t -> unit) -> unit
val scan_dir_for_dirs : (string -> bool) -> entry_t -> (entry_t -> unit) -> unit
class virtual tree : object ... end
type obj_t =
  1. | Tree of tree
  2. | Entry of entry_t
class file : ?digest_opt:Xhash.t option -> ?ignore_case:bool -> obj_t -> string -> object ... end
val dummy_entry : entry_t
val dummy_tree : tree
val stdin : file

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