package diffast-misc

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Comp = Compression
val contract_margin : int
val minimum_height : int
type index = int
val cca_prefix : string
val cca_ns : string
val gid_attr_name : string
module GI = GIndex
exception Parent_not_found of string
exception Found
exception Empty
class virtual data : object ... end
val tag_of_elem_data : ('a * 'b * 'c) -> 'a
val name_of_elem_data : ('a * (string * string) list * 'b) -> string
val _dot_label_of_node : < data : < to_elem_data : string * 'a * 'b.. > ; index : int ; preorder_index : int.. > -> string
val dot_label_of_node : < data : < digest_string : string.. > ; index : int ; preorder_index : int ; to_qualified_string : string ; uid : UID.t.. > -> string
val dot_label_of_node_ini : < data : < to_elem_data : string * (string * string) list * 'a.. > ; gindex : GI.t ; uid : UID.t.. > -> string
val digest_to_string : Xhash.t option -> string
class virtual data2 : object ... end
class +'a node : 'a -> object ... end
class +'a path : object ... end
type 'node mutation =
  1. | Minsert of float * 'node list * bool
  2. | Mdelete
val mutation_to_string : < initial_to_string : string.. > mutation -> string
class +'a node2 : UID.generator -> 'a -> object ... end
class +'a otree : 'a -> object ... end
exception Root_containing_cluster
type 'node cluster_mutation =
  1. | CMinsert of bool * int * float * 'node * ('node * Path.Elem.t) list
  2. | CMprune of int * 'node list
type 'node acc_result = {
  1. node : 'node;
  2. nelems : int;
  3. elem : Path.Elem.t;
  4. partial : bool;
val cluster_mutation_to_string : < uid : UID.t.. > cluster_mutation -> string
class +'a otree2 : ?hash:Xhash.algo option -> 'a -> bool -> object ... end
val create_node : data as 'a -> 'a node array -> 'a node
val create_leaf : data as 'a -> 'a node
val create_node2 : UID.generator -> data2 as 'a -> 'a node2 array -> 'a node2
val create_leaf2 : UID.generator -> data2 as 'a -> 'a node2

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