package bos
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Rresult.R end
Result value combinators.
type ('a, 'b) t = ('a, 'b) Rresult.result
The type for results.
val ok : 'a -> ('a, 'b) Rresult.result
ok v
is Ok v
val error : 'b -> ('a, 'b) Rresult.result
error e
is Error e
val reword_error :
('b -> 'c) ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
('a, 'c) Rresult.result
reword_error reword r
ifr = Ok v
Error (reword e)
ifr = Error e
val get_ok : ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> 'a
get_ok r
is v
if r = Ok v
and raises Invalid_argument
val get_error : ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> 'b
get_error r
is e
if r = Error e
and raises Invalid_argument
Composing results
val bind :
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
('a -> ('c, 'b) Rresult.result) ->
('c, 'b) Rresult.result
bind r f
is f v
if r = Ok v
and r
if r = Error _
val map : ('a -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> ('c, 'b) Rresult.result
map f r
is bind (fun v -> ret (f v))
val join :
(('a, 'b) Rresult.result, 'b) Rresult.result ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result
join r
is v
if r = Ok v
and r
val (>>=) :
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
('a -> ('c, 'b) Rresult.result) ->
('c, 'b) Rresult.result
r >>= f
is bind
r f
val (>>|) : ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> ('a -> 'c) -> ('c, 'b) Rresult.result
r >>| f
is map
r f
module Infix = Rresult.R.Infix
Infix operators.
Error messages
val msg : string -> [> msg ]
msg s
is `Msg s
val msgf : ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, [> msg ]) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
msgf fmt ...
formats a message according to fmt
val pp_msg : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> msg -> unit
pp_msg ppf m
prints m
on ppf
val error_msg : string -> ('a, [> msg ]) Rresult.result
error_msg s
is error (`Msg s)
val error_msgf :
('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, ('b, [> msg ]) Rresult.result)
Stdlib.format4 ->
error_msgf fmt ...
is an error message formatted according to fmt
val reword_error_msg :
?replace:bool ->
(string -> msg) ->
('a, msg) Rresult.result ->
('a, [> msg ]) Rresult.result
reword_error_msg ~replace reword r
is like reword_error
except if replace
is false
(default), the result of reword old_msg
is concatened, on a new line to the old message.
val error_to_msg :
pp_error:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
('a, [> msg ]) Rresult.result
error_to_msg ~pp_error r
converts errors in r
with pp_error
to an error message.
val error_msg_to_invalid_arg : ('a, msg) Rresult.result -> 'a
err_msg_to_invalid_arg r
is v
if r = Ok v
val open_error_msg : ('a, msg) Rresult.result -> ('a, [> msg ]) Rresult.result
open_error_msg r
allows to combine a closed error message variant with other variants.
val failwith_error_msg : ('a, msg) Rresult.result -> 'a
failwith_error_msg r
raises Failure m
if r
is Error (`Msg m)
Trapping unexpected exceptions
Getting rid of null
was not enough.
val pp_exn_trap : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exn_trap -> unit
pp_exn_trap ppf bt
prints bt
on ppf
val trap_exn : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> ('b, [> exn_trap ]) Rresult.result
trap_exn f v
is f v
and traps any exception that may occur as an exception trap error.
val error_exn_trap_to_msg :
('a, exn_trap) Rresult.result ->
('a, [> msg ]) Rresult.result
error_exn_trap_to_msg r
converts exception trap errors in r
to an error message.
val open_error_exn_trap :
('a, exn_trap) Rresult.result ->
('a, [> exn_trap ]) Rresult.result
open_error_exn_trap r
allows to combine a closed exception trap error variant with other variants.
Pretty printing
val pp :
ok:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
error:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
pp ~ok ~error ppf r
prints r
on ppf
using ok
and error
according to r
val dump :
ok:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
error:(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'b -> unit) ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
dump ~ok ~error
formats an OCaml result value using ok
or error
according to case, no parentheses are added.
Predicates and comparison
val is_ok : ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> bool
is_ok r
is true
iff r = Ok _
val is_error : ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> bool
is_error r
is true
iff r = Error _
val equal :
ok:('a -> 'a -> bool) ->
error:('b -> 'b -> bool) ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
equal ~ok ~error r r'
tests r
and r'
for equality using ok
and error
val compare :
ok:('a -> 'a -> int) ->
error:('b -> 'b -> int) ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
compare ~ok ~error r r'
totally orders r
and r'
using ok
and error
val to_option : ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> 'a option
to_option r
is Some v
if r = Ok v
and None
val of_option :
none:(unit -> ('a, 'b) Rresult.result) ->
'a option ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result
of_option ~none r
is Ok v
if r = Some v
and none ()
val to_presult : ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> [> `Ok of 'a | `Error of 'b ]
to_presult r
is r
as a polymorphic variant result value.
val of_presult : [< `Ok of 'a | `Error of 'b ] -> ('a, 'b) Rresult.result
of_presult pr
is pr
as a result value.
Ignoring errors
Warning. Using these functions is, most of the time, a bad idea.
val ignore_error : use:('b -> 'a) -> ('a, 'b) Rresult.result -> 'a
ignore_error ~use r
is v
if r = Ok v
and use e
if r = Error e
val kignore_error :
use:('b -> ('a, 'c) Rresult.result) ->
('a, 'b) Rresult.result ->
('a, 'c) Rresult.result
kignore_error ~use r
is r
if r = Ok v
and use e
if r = Error e