Module type
Class type
Path operations.
These functions operate on files and directories equally. Similar and specific functions operating only on one kind of path can be found in the File
and Dir
val exists : Fpath.t -> (bool, 'e) result
exists p
is true
if p
exists for the file system and false
val must_exist : Fpath.t -> (Fpath.t, 'e) result
must_exist p
is Ok p
if p
exists for the file system and an error otherwise.
val move : ?force:bool -> Fpath.t -> Fpath.t -> (unit, 'e) result
move ~force src dst
moves path src
to dst
. If force
is true
(defaults to false
) the operation doesn't error if dst
exists and can be replaced by src
val delete : ?must_exist:bool -> ?recurse:bool -> Fpath.t -> (unit, 'e) result
delete ~must_exist ~recurse p
deletes the path p
. If must_exist
is true
(defaults to false
) an error is returned if p
doesn't exist. If recurse
is true
(defaults to false
) and p
is a directory, no error occurs if the directory is non-empty: its contents is recursively deleted first.
val stat : Fpath.t -> (Unix.stats, 'e) result
stat p
is p
's file information.
module Mode : sig ... end
Path permission modes.
val link : ?force:bool -> target:Fpath.t -> Fpath.t -> (unit, 'e) result
link ~force target p
hard links target
to p
. If force
is true
(defaults to false
) and p
exists, it is is rmdir
ed or unlink
ed before making the link.
val symlink : ?force:bool -> target:Fpath.t -> Fpath.t -> (unit, 'e) result
symlink ~force target p
symbolically links target
to p
. If force
is true
(defaults to false
) and p
exists, it is rmdir
ed or unlink
ed before making the link.
val symlink_target : Fpath.t -> (Fpath.t, 'e) result
slink_target p
is p
's target iff p
is a symbolic link.
val symlink_stat : Fpath.t -> (Unix.stats, 'e) result
symlink_stat p
is the same as stat
but if p
is a link returns information about the link itself.
A path pattern pat
is a path whose segments are made of named string patterns. Each variable of the pattern greedily matches a segment or sub-segment. For example the path pattern:
Fpath.(v "data" / "$(dir)" / "$(file).txt")
matches any existing path of the file system that matches the regexp data/.*/.*\.txt
Warning. When segments with pattern variables are matched against the file system they never match "."
and ".."
. For example the pattern "$(file).$(ext)"
does not match "."
val matches : ?dotfiles:bool -> Fpath.t -> (Fpath.t list, 'e) result
matches ~dotfiles pat
is the list of paths in the file system that match the path pattern pat
. If dotfiles
is false
(default) segments that start with a pattern variable do not match dotfiles.
query ~init pat
is like matches
except each matching path is returned with an environment mapping pattern variables to their matched part in the path. For each path the mappings are added to init
(defaults to String.Map.empty
The type for controlling directory traversals. The predicate of `Sat
should only be called with directory paths, however this may not be the case due to OS races.
The type for specifying elements being folded over.
type 'a fold_error =
Fpath.t ->
('a, Rresult.R.msg) result ->
(unit, Rresult.R.msg) result
The type for managing fold errors.
During the fold, errors may be generated at different points of the process. For example, determining traversal with traverse
, determining folded elements
or trying to readdir(3)
a directory without having permissions.
These errors are given to a function of this type. If the function returns Error _
the fold stops and returns that error. If the function returns `Ok ()
the path is ignored for the operation and the fold continues.
val log_fold_error : level:Logs.level -> 'a fold_error
log_fold_error level
is a fold_error
function that logs error with level level
and always returns `Ok ()
val fold :
?err:'b fold_error ->
?dotfiles:bool ->
?elements:elements ->
?traverse:traverse ->
(Fpath.t -> 'a -> 'a) ->
'a ->
Fpath.t list ->
('a, 'e) result
fold err dotfiles elements traverse f acc paths
folds over the list of paths paths
traversing directories according to traverse
(defaults to `Any
) and selecting elements to fold over according to elements
(defaults to `Any
If dotfiles
if false
(default) both elements and directories to traverse that start with a .
except .
and ..
are skipped without being considered by elements
or traverse
's values.
manages fold errors (see fold_error
), defaults to log_fold_error