package yocaml_syndication

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

An extension of Yocaml.Archetype.Datetime.t with Timezone support.


type t


val compare : t -> t -> int

compare dt1 dt2 a dummy comparison function that does not care about the Timezone (because we expect that every RSS/Atom elements are published on the same Timezone).

val make : ?tz:Tz.t -> Yocaml.Archetype.Datetime.t -> t

make ?tz datetime build a datetime associated with a Timezone.

val to_string : t -> string

to_string date converts a date into a string.

val to_string_rfc3339 : t -> string

to_string_rfc3339 date converts a date into a string according to the rfc 3339.


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