package yocaml_syndication

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

An attribute is an association between a key and a value (quoted). Please note that this library does not guarantee that the key or value is correctly formatted, and it is the user's responsibility to produce only correct values.


type t

Describes a key * value pair.

type set

Describes a list of attributes. The set of attributes must be unique, and the type is backed up by a Map to ensure that an attribute (described by its key) is present only once.


val make : ('a -> string) -> ?ns:string -> key:string -> 'a -> t

make ?ns ~key f value Builds an arbitrary attribute value. The ns optional parameter allows to scope an attribute to a given namespace.

val string : ?ns:string -> key:string -> string -> t

string ?ns ~key value Builds a string attribute.

val int : ?ns:string -> key:string -> int -> t

int ?ns ~key value Builds an integer attribute.

val float : ?ns:string -> key:string -> float -> t

float ?ns ~key value Builds a float attribute.

val bool : ?ns:string -> key:string -> bool -> t

bool ?ns ~key value Builds a boolean attribute.

val char : ?ns:string -> key:string -> char -> t

char ?ns ~key value Builds a char attribute.

val escaped : ?ns:string -> key:string -> string -> t

escaped ?ns ~key value Build an attribute with special character replaced.


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