package xenstore

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

XenStore protocol.

type t

A valid packet.

module Op : sig ... end
module ACL : sig ... end

Access control lists.

module Parser : sig ... end

Incrementally parse packets.

module type IO = sig ... end
exception Unknown_xenstore_operation of int32
exception Response_parser_failed of string
type ('a, 'b) result =
  1. | Ok of 'a
  2. | Exception of 'b
module PacketStream (IO : IO) : sig ... end
val to_bytes : t -> bytes
val get_tid : t -> int32
val get_ty : t -> Op.t
val get_data : t -> string
val get_rid : t -> int32
val create : int32 -> int32 -> Op.t -> string -> t
module Token : sig ... end
module Response : sig ... end
module Request : sig ... end
module Unmarshal : sig ... end
exception Enoent of string

Raised when a named key does not exist.

exception Eagain

Raised when a named key does not exist.

Raised when a transaction must be repeated.

exception Eexist

Raised when a transaction must be repeated.

Raised when a watch already exists.

exception Invalid

Raised when a watch already exists.

exception Error of string

Generic catch-all error.

val response : string -> t -> t -> (t -> 'a option) -> 'a

response debug_hint sent received unmarshal returns the unmarshalled response corresponding to the received packet relative to the sent packet.

type address =
  1. | Unix of string
  2. | Domain of int
val string_of_address : address -> string
val domain_of_address : address -> int