package xenstore

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
exception Already_exists of string

thrown when a (watch) name already exists

module Node : sig ... end

A Node in the main xenstore tree

module Name : sig ... end
module Path : sig ... end
val lookup : Node.t -> Path.t -> Node.t option

lookup node path follows path from node and returns the node it finds, or None

type t = {
  1. mutable stat_transaction_coalesce : int;
  2. mutable stat_transaction_abort : int;
  3. mutable root : Node.t;
  4. mutable quota : Quota.t;
val set_root : t -> Node.t -> unit
val set_quota : t -> Quota.t -> unit
val create : unit -> t
val copy : t -> t
val exists : t -> Path.t -> bool
val write : t -> int -> Perms.t -> Path.t -> string -> unit
val mkdir : t -> int -> Perms.t -> Path.t -> unit
val setperms : t -> Perms.t -> Path.t -> Xs_protocol.ACL.t -> unit
val rm : t -> Perms.t -> Path.t -> unit
val ls : t -> Perms.t -> Path.t -> string list
val read : t -> Perms.t -> Path.t -> string
val getperms : t -> Perms.t -> Path.t -> Xs_protocol.ACL.t
val set_node : t -> Path.t -> Node.t -> Quota.t -> Quota.t -> unit
val mark_symbols : t -> unit