package wtr
Well Typed Router
Dune Dependency
Wtr - Well Typed Router
Wtr - A HTTP request routing library for OCaml web applications.
Documentation Examples Summer Demo
is a HTTP request router for OCaml web applications.
It is trie based so route matching is efficient and fast.
Route handlers are type-checked during compilation.
Supports matching and capturing URI path components, eg
.Supports matching and capturing URI query parameters, eg
.Supports matching HTTP methods, eg
etc.Supports converting captured URI components to OCaml and custom user defined data types.
ppx implements a DSL to allow you to easily specify HTTP uri.combinatros based approach to specifying routes.
Wtr Demo
# #require "wtr, wtr-ppx";;
module Fruit = struct
type t = Apple | Orange | Pineapple
let t : t Wtr.arg =
Wtr.arg "fruit" (function
| "apple" -> Some Apple
| "orange" -> Some Orange
| "pineapple" -> Some Pineapple
| _ -> None )
let about_page = "about page"
let prod_page i = "Int page. number : " ^ string_of_int i
let float_page f = "Float page. number : " ^ string_of_float f
let contact_page nm num = "Contact. Hi, " ^ nm ^ ". Num " ^ string_of_int num
let product1 name id q = Format.sprintf "Product1 %s. Id: %d. q = %b" name id q
let product2 name id = Format.sprintf "Product2 %s. Id: %d." name id
let fruit_page = function
| Fruit.Apple -> "Apples are juicy!"
| Orange -> "Orange is a citrus fruit."
| Pineapple -> "Pineapple has scaly skin"
let faq category_id _ =
let category_name =
match category_id with
| 1 -> "products"
| 2 -> "insurance"
| 3 -> "returns"
| _ -> "unknown"
"FAQ page for category : " ^ category_name
let router =
[ {%routes| get,post,head,delete ; /home/about/ |} about_page
; {%routes| head,delete ; /home/:int/ |} prod_page
; {%routes| get,post ; /home/:float/ |} float_page
; {%routes| get; /contact/*/:int |} contact_page
; {%routes| get; /product/:string?section=:int&q=:bool |} product1
; {%routes| get; /product/:string?section=:int&q1=yes |} product2
; {%routes| get; /fruit/:Fruit |} fruit_page
; {%routes| GET; /faq/:int/** |} faq ]
let p () =
Printf.printf "\n====Router Match Results====\n" ;
[ Wtr.match' `GET "/home/100001.1/" router
; Wtr.match' `DELETE "/home/100001/" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/home/about/" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/product/dyson350?section=233&q=true" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/product/dyson350?section=2&q=false" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/product/dyson350?section=2&q1=yes" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/product/dyson350?section=2&q1=no" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/fruit/apple" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/fruit/orange" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/fruit/pineapple" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/fruit/guava" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/faq/1/" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/faq/1/whatever" router
; Wtr.match' `GET "/faq/2/whateasdfasdfasdf" router ]
|> List.iteri (fun i -> function
| Some s -> Printf.printf "%3d: %s\n" (i + 1) s
| None -> Printf.printf "%3d: None\n" (i + 1) );;
Demo Output
# p () ;;
====Router Match Results====
1: Float page. number : 100001.1
2: Int page. number : 100001
3: about page
4: Product1 dyson350. Id: 233. q = true
5: Product1 dyson350. Id: 2. q = false
6: Product2 dyson350. Id: 2.
7: None
8: Apples are juicy!
9: Orange is a citrus fruit.
10: Pineapple has scaly skin
11: None
12: FAQ page for category : products
13: FAQ page for category : products
14: FAQ page for category : insurance
- : unit = ()
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"