Module type
Class type
Types representing provers and associated operations
Raised on invalid pattern or prover description, see below. The argument is the erroneous string.
val desc_to_string : desc -> string
val desc_of_string : string -> desc
Converts prover descriptions to and from string. The syntax is the same as patterns below, but the version part is mandatory.
val desc_name : desc -> string
val desc_version : desc -> string
val pp_desc : Format.formatter -> desc -> unit
Prover descriptions comparison function. Different provers are ordered alphabetically by names, and different version of a same prover by reverse version order. Thus, when sorting, the latest version come before older ones.
type prover = private {
desc : desc;
config : Why3.Whyconf.config_prover;
driver : Why3.Driver.driver;
digest : string;
The type of provers.
is an hexadecimal digest of the prover and its config. For now, drivers are not completly taken into account, for instance modifying a driver which is import
ed into the main driver won't change the digest.
val why3_desc : prover -> string
The prover descriptions in Why3 syntax.
val name : prover -> string
val version : prover -> string
val fullname : prover -> string
val infoname : prover -> string
val pp_prover : Format.formatter -> prover -> unit
Prints prover fullname.
Patterns identify provers. The syntax is prover-name@prover-version
. The prover-name
match the prover name case-insensitively. (eg alt-ergo
match the prover of Why3 name Alt-Ergo
) The version part, starting from the '@', is optional. If omitted, it generally means the last available version.
val pmatch : pattern:string -> desc -> bool
Whether the given pattern match the prover description.
val all : Config.wenv -> prover Mdesc.t
Returns the set of all available provers for the given Why3 environment.
val select : Config.wenv -> patterns:string list -> prover list
Selects the provers that match one of the patterns
. For each pattern
in order, if the pattern is invalid or the prover is not in the map, a warning is emitted, otherwise one prover is appended to the return list, either the one specified or the latest available version in case of a version-less pattern.
val default : Config.wenv -> prover list
Returns the set of available "default" provers.
val check_and_get_prover :
Config.wenv ->
patterns:string list ->
desc ->
prover option
Returns the requested prover from the provers
list. Warn if the prover is not found.