package why3find

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Configurations and Environments

type config = {
  1. fast : float;
  2. time : float;
  3. depth : int;
  4. packages : string list;
  5. provers : string list;
  6. tactics : string list;
  7. drivers : string list;
  8. warnoff : string list;
  9. preprocess : string option;
  10. profile : Why3findUtils.Json.t option;

The project configuration type

val default : config

Default configuration

val conf_file : string

The name of the configuration file

val load_raw_config : string -> Why3findUtils.Json.t

Load configuration as a Json object from the given configuration file

val config_of_json : Why3findUtils.Json.t -> config

Convert the raw configuration Json object to a config value

val config_to_json : config -> Why3findUtils.Json.t

Convert the given config to a raw configuration Json object

val load_config : string -> config

Read the configuration from the given configuration file

val save_config : string -> config -> unit

Save the given configuration as a configuration file in the given directory

type wenv = private {
  1. config : Why3.Whyconf.config;
  2. env : Why3.Env.env;
module WenvWhtbl : Why3.Weakhtbl.S with type key = wenv
val create_wenv : ?loadpath:string list -> Why3.Whyconf.config -> wenv

Create a why3 environment from the given why3 config. If present, the parameter loadpath is added to the loadpath defined by the config.

type env = private {
  1. config : config;
  2. wenv : wenv;
  3. pkgs : Meta.pkg list;

The environment type

val create_env : ?root:string -> config:config -> unit -> env

Create an environment with configuration config for the project located in root (which default to ".")


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