package why3
val interp_float : ?interp:bool -> string -> string -> string -> float_type
type model_value =
| String of string
| Integer of string
| Decimal of string * string
| Fraction of string * string
| Float of float_type
| Boolean of bool
| Array of model_array
| Record of model_record
| Proj of model_proj
| Bitvector of string
| Apply of string * model_value list
| Unparsed of string
and model_proj = proj_name * model_value
and model_record = (field_name * model_value) list
val array_create_constant : value:model_value -> model_array
val array_add_element :
array:model_array ->
index:model_value ->
value:model_value ->
val print_model_value : Format.formatter -> model_value -> unit
type model_element_name = {
men_name : string;
men_kind : model_element_kind;
men_attrs : Ident.Sattr.t;
type model_element = {
me_name : model_element_name;
me_value : model_value;
me_location : Loc.position option;
me_term : Term.term option;
val create_model_element :
name:string ->
value:model_value ->
attrs:Ident.Sattr.t ->
?location:Loc.position ->
?term:Term.term ->
unit ->
val is_model_empty : model -> bool
val default_model : model
val get_model_elements : model -> model_element list
val print_model :
?me_name_trans:(model_element_name -> string) ->
print_attrs:bool ->
Format.formatter ->
model ->
val print_model_human :
?me_name_trans:(model_element_name -> string) ->
Format.formatter ->
model ->
print_attrs:bool ->
val print_model_json :
?me_name_trans:(model_element_name -> string) ->
?vc_line_trans:(int -> string) ->
Format.formatter ->
model ->
val interleave_with_source :
print_attrs:bool ->
?start_comment:string ->
?end_comment:string ->
?me_name_trans:(model_element_name -> string) ->
model ->
rel_filename:string ->
source_code:string ->
locations:(Loc.position * 'a) list ->
string * (Loc.position * 'a) list
val model_for_positions_and_decls :
model ->
positions:Loc.position list ->
type model_parser = string -> Printer.printer_mapping -> model
type raw_model_parser =
Ident.ident Wstdlib.Mstr.t ->
Ident.ident Wstdlib.Mstr.t ->
(string * string) list Wstdlib.Mstr.t ->
string list ->
Ident.Sattr.t Wstdlib.Mstr.t ->
string ->
model_element list
val register_remove_field :
((Ident.Sattr.t * model_value) -> Ident.Sattr.t * model_value) ->
val register_model_parser :
desc:Pp.formatted ->
string ->
raw_model_parser ->
val lookup_model_parser : string -> model_parser
val list_model_parsers : unit -> (string * Pp.formatted) list
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"