package wall

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val utf8_decode : int Pervasives.ref -> string -> int

utf8_decode r s returns the unicode codepoint starting at offset !r, advancing r to the beginning of next codepoint ot String.length s when the end is reached. If the string was not properly encoded, -1 is returned and r is advanced to hopefully resume parsing.

module Font : sig ... end
type simple_typesetter = (Font.t * Gg.p2 * string) Wall.typesetter
val simple_typesetter : unit -> simple_typesetter
val simple_text : ?typesetter:simple_typesetter -> ?halign:[ `LEFT | `CENTER | `RIGHT ] -> ?valign:[ `TOP | `MIDDLE | `BOTTOM | `BASELINE ] -> Font.t -> x:float -> y:float -> string -> Wall.image

simple_text ?frame ?halign ?valign font ~x ~y text is a shape that represents text drawn using font at position x,y.

The optionals halign and valign arguments describe how the text should be positioned w.r.t point x,y.

halign values:

  • `LEFT, text will start at coordinate x (x is the leftmost point)
  • `CENTER, text will be centered around x
  • `RIGHT, text will end at coordinate x (x is the rightmost point)

valign values:

  • `TOP, top of the text will be at coordinate y, drawing will go below
  • `MIDDLE, text will be vertically centered at coordinate y
  • `BOTTOM, bottom of the text will be at coordinate y, drawing will be above
  • `BASELINE, the baseline of the text will be at coordinate y, most letters will be above but descender (as in letters such as y, p, j, q) will go below.